So about being published…

I’ve decided I want to be, published that is.  You know I really like my stuff (that is okay to say right?), and I like seeing my stuff in magazines. I have gone out for the Hall of Fame the last two years, but contests and that are pretty much the only things I’ve ever done (and not won). So I printed off a bunch of page calls and put up a little strip of cork board to hang them on as friendly reminders to myself.  I see this as beneficial in a couple of ways. 1. I am more likely to get “picked up” if I fit a specific call and 2. it gets me to scrap stuff I kind of put off (um I think I have an anti-seasonal problem). All and all I’m excited to start trying this new technique. Oh and did I mention that I really want to get goodies and money for pages I want to scrapbook anyway, because that would be cool. I have been published once. In the CK Annual idea book Volume 8 (page 53 if you wanna look) and I was so super excited about it. It’s validation, you know, that you are doing something right. Well I’ll let you know how it all goes.  🙂

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  1. I’m so glad you mentioned your page in the mag and the page number. I freely admit to having that book and having looked through it once, for my page! terrible, eh? Yours is totally cool – love the green/orange combo, totally see why it got picked up!
    Good luck with the pubbing!!

  2. You’ve actually been published twice… remember in the fourth grade for the poem you wrote.

  3. I stumbled across your blog while I was doing some online research. Yes, most writers do see publication as a form of validation. However, most writers also know that rejection letters come with the territory. Just keep plugging away and don’t give up; those who give up NEVER get published!

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