I have to realize these things are never going to have their own posts. So here we go… 1. new swimsuit for Tuesday. My mother in law scored this fabric at the fashion district in L.A. And I should have had her get me boatloads more, because it is so awesome! 2. I’m selling our …
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Montessori Homeschool… current obsession
So what the heck have I been up to? Well not sleeping, which cuts into the time I can write greatly; seeing as how I’m so tired I wouldn’t make sense! Bennet is all better, but things continue to be rough in the sleep department… and it seems she’s given up that second nap so …
Ten Months
The pictures almost didn’t happen (and were three days late as it was) because Bennet has been sick! Sometimes it’s hard for an outsider to tell Bennet is not feeling well because not much gets her down (see adorable smile above). She actually had a day of no smiles, that made us all very sad. …
Some Layouts
“Are you going to post those layouts you made?” Sarah asked me. We had a scrap day a while back and I went nuts doing regular 12×12 layouts. I mean regular because I did Project Life last year, and because of it did few traditional type layouts. Totally fine, but I did miss it. Also …
Before the incident… making baby food
So before the incident with Bennet I was making baby food and things were going really well in the house. Our kitchen is not that big, and honestly I don’t spend much time in it day to day. I like to make things like baby food though, and can, make granola, etc. Cooking meals however, …
You can laugh at this, I think maybe in a few months I’ll be able to…. So I was making a bunch of baby food in the kitchen. Cooking older carrots on the stove, had beets and sweet potatoes in the oven. The girls were playing awesome together with a tray of ice and water …