We have been going, doing, seeing, being, swimming, dancing, bike riding crazies this summer! I have a post half started with some of our adventures, but for now let me just say, we’re happy to be home for a while! Bennet better get with the program, we’re a family that likes to road trip, and …
Monthly Archives: July 2013
Circle top – Modifying a Ready to Wear Tee
I have a million other things to do (first birthday party tonight!) but have been wanting to blog so badly. After years of blogging I just get this itch when it’s been a while! I made the girls matching tops by modifying RTW shirts (well Bennet’s was a onsie, but I’m not a onsie fan …
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Kids Clothes Week – Day 1 & 2
I have some major catching up to do on the blog. And a post has been started with photos of fun things we’ve been doing. But it’s Summer Kids Clothes Week and I decided I had to participate. So here’s what I’ve made so far: My little poser. This is a sweet and easy little …
Bennet with a simple DIY Montessori toy
Bj made this simple Montessori type toy for her out of a scrap piece of wood and a dowel. I found the rings here. Sorry about my squeaking, that happens when I get excited. Bennet is 11 months old.