Bennet “helped” in the yard today.
Monthly Archives: March 2013
Eight Months
Eight months, oh my. Easy pictures of Miss Bennet are out the window. She is moving, moving, moving! I tried to get her to hold still with this toy, but it lasted for about 4.5 seconds, she’s on to me! Here is the one laying down picture I got to compare with the other months. …
On a one horse open sleigh
The girls and I had a blast in Alaska with Carmen and her family, of course. We did come home with colds, I’m better, Tuesday is almost and Bennie’s at the tail end of it, but still keeping me up all night. More to report soon, for now check out Carmen’s blog to see some …
Just like that the links are gone
And we’re off to Alaska this evening! Oh my goodness, just me and the girls. Coming off mega colds all three of us. And of course Bennet is teething like CA-RAZY. I have snacks, and teethers, and sticker books, and extra clothes (hmm maybe I should toss in an extra shirt for me…). I am …