(thanks to Sarah for the photo after an iPhone back up snafu) Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
Monthly Archives: June 2012
The name game
(she dresses herself but we picked the crazy name) A recent conversation between Tuesday and a new friend. friend: “Is your name really Tuesday?” Tuesday: “Yes.” friend: “But your name is really Tuesday, like Tuesday?” Tuesday: “Yes, it is.” friend has a puzzled look and kind of laughs Tuesday: “What is your name?” friend “Alex.” …
Baby on the Belly
Well this was a fun bonus from my midwife that I didn’t get to experience last time. At my last appointment my midwife used water color crayons to draw out little baby on my belly. Of course it’s not exact since this little baby is quite the mover. Seriously the baby moves all over all …
When I Was a Baby
I keep forgetting to share this little book I made for Tuesday on Shutterfly. I had an idea for a little book that would show Tuesday what it was like when she was a baby so that she could get a better idea of what it would be like when the new little baby comes. …
Dusty, but not Rusty
Oh hey, remember when I used to spin? No, no, not on a stationary bike, but with my lovely wheel. Ah those were good times. I even spun a bunch while Tuesday was a newborn. You know, while she nursed for three hours at a time (the new baby won’t do that right? it will …
Sunny with a Side of Rain
It has been a fairly mild summer thus far. Not too hot. And not too sunny. I’ve been asked, “Aren’t you glad it’s not hot?” since I’m noticeably pregnant. I said I didn’t mind one way or the other, but then we did have one hot day and I was like, “OH NO, this is …
Tuesday’s Lens
I took Tuesday’s camera and downloaded the photos for the first time in months. There was a lot of this: And other “gems” but she got a few fun shots in there. (she’s addicted to her flash, and figured out how to turn it on even when I turn it off so pretty much everything …
This Moment
Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life. (photo by Tuesday)
We’ve been…
Making messes. Creative ones of course. And looking at the clock, also putting off making dinner to make said messes. Spinning(!) Tuesday showing off some fiber I unearthed from the insane fiber/yarn stash that was hidden behind all the garage sale stuff we got rid of. Did I mention we finally had our garage sale? …
This Moment
Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.