Happy and Shinny!

It is really heating up here in more ways than one… First of all the temperature has been hotter than ever – into the 90s. Hot weather calls for awesomely cute little outfits. Tutu wore this little number from my friend Stacy:

Doesn't she look cute? Thanks again Stacy we love it. Funny thing though, I showed Bj the outfit, and he was all, "ahh sweet." Then later I had her over my shoulder and Bj said, "what did you do with her dress?" It's a little onsie sort of with dress on the front – genius, because she's always picking up the hems of her dresses to pull them up. 

We stayed in the basement most of the day, nice and cool there. Here is her new jumpy device:
She would like to demonstrate it's wonderfulness for you:

It's called a Merry Muscles and I read about it on Amanda's blog. The other thing heating things up in here is our new range. Now I think Bj would be excited about this anyway, but it sort of marks the end of our remodel, so it makes him extra giddy.

Yes, Bj is the cook in the family, I am very lucky indeed.  Heres hoping things are heating up in your neck of the woods.

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  1. Those legs are sure getting stronger… You’re going to need those gates before too long as she’ll be running through the house with all her cuteness! and BJ… When’s dinner? Yumm!

  2. She is the happiest girl! Side note: I don’t see her looking just like Bj anymore…I think she looks like the perfect combination of the two of you the older she gets. Your new range looks awesome, and the food, delicious!!

  3. oh my goodness! watching tuesday bounce in her merry muscles was just too cute! totally made me smile this morning – i had to watch it twice and i made my coworker watch too 🙂
    nice new range! how exciting!

  4. Miri might like it too. I ordered it a while ago, but it took forever to come. The reason I did was because babies as young as four months can use it, since they can lean back.

  5. The bouncer is super cool. We will definately be ordering one of those! Um…your new range is totally amazing! We looked forever to find one all stainless and did not succeed. Yours is AWESOME!!! Hope you won’t mind using a crusty old 3/4 stainless one when you come visit us!
    Teusday is as cute as ever! It is really cool to see her understand what you are saying to her! Chloe doesn’t really even look at us when we are talking to her yet. Soon though!

  6. Sorry meant to spell “Tuesday”–typing too fast. No offense intended Tuesday!

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