
Ah resolutions. I don’t always make them, and I don’t always follow through when I do. But I’m feeling particularly enthusiastic about this coming year. By the end of the year I won’t have any kids in diapers and they’ll both be sleeping through the night (a girl can dream)… the world is my oyster!
The first thing I decided to do this year was have a word to keep in mind as I move through the year (inspired by Ali). My word is smile.

I know, look at these two! How can I not? But I get frustrated, I’m tried, and I just feel myself drooping. I wrote in my scrapbook about my word, “I want to do it more, all the time. I want my girls to know how happy I am with my life and them. Even when they are old I want them to think about how I was always happy and smiled through good times and bad.”
Now on to resolutions.

Loose 20 pounds:
Sounds lame and like a million other people’s resolutions. But I need clothes to fit. And I need to gain some strength. It will only get harder as I get older. (Currently 146 pounds)
Blog more:
Mostly to keep track of my family. But also to share my crafty pursuits.
Get out the DSLR: 
And shoot the shit out of my life. I can always edit down. These moments are fleeting. Also I should probably take a few pictures of Bj and I as well, we’re in a very few!
Go outside:
Can I go for a walk a day? Well I should be able to go for one a week at least, preferably with the whole family.
Be together:
Not just in the same room. But actively communicating with each other. It’s hard when we always have so much to do to, “divide and conquer” Instead I want to take on tasks together and enjoy our leisure activities as a family, even if that means giving up “me” time.
10 minutes x 3:
I’m going to make this happen. Ten minutes for each person in my family giving them all of me for that time. At the end of the year that will translate into 61 hours for each of my wonderful people. I can’t wait to see how it changes our relationships.
Use it or loose it:
Caul through my supplies, clothes, books and only keep what I need.
Spend with a purpose:
Keep financial independence in the forefront of my mind, not what I want now, now, now.
Turn off my iPhone:
I use it way too much, it’s like a growth. When I want to spend quality time with someone or really get something done I’m just going to shut. it. down.

A couple other fun things. I love how my friend Nora does a monthly highlights post about her family, and a snapshot of them. Nothing fancy, but they have at least 12 pictures together for the year. I want that for us! Another fun thing I may implement; I’m a pretty big reader. When I used to sit down with a novel I also had a little notebook and handheld electronic dictionary (back in the olden days). I wrote out longhand every word I didn’t have a perfect grasp of and it’s definition, as it pertained to what I was reading. I remember filling up pages reading Moby Dick! I think this would be fun to do again. I love words, and it would be great for Tuesday and Bennet to see me doing. Never stop learning, right?
I’d love to read your goals, dreams, and hopes for the year. Leave me a comment with them, or a link and I’ll check it out. Here’s to a great 2014.

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  1. Love the resolutions. I’m trying to make mine. I nearly did all mine last year… I lost 10 lbs but gained it back. Still calling that a victory. 🙂

  2. I love your word choice for the new year, and your positive outlook! I think we share a lot of the same goals. I need to lose about ten more pounds. I am currently at 148 pounds, but eighteen pounds lighter than I was last year at this time. It’s really hard, but I made up my mind when Charlotte turned four years old to finally lose the stubborn baby weight. I started walking over the summer for thirty minutes four to five days a week, and I am still keeping that up. Oh, and changing my diet didn’t hurt either. And yes, I need to make time to blog more. And take more photos of the three of us. We only have three photos of the three of us from last year, that is sad. I decided to deactivate my Facebook account last weekend, and I haven’t missed it at all! My husband finally convinced me that it was a bit of a time waster. I like Instagram much better anyway. Ok, I think I just wrote a blog post here!

  3. Very well thought out, nice. In have also been thinking in terms of a word this year, and I am seeking to be more content. I have some ideas how to do that and look forward to the challenge. I like your plans and may have to swipe a few:) thank you again for the inspiration.

  4. Lose weight
    Cut the cord with diet coke
    Read 52 books
    Exercise at least 3 times per week
    I like you’re idea about 10 mins a day per family member. Stealing this. Our days get so crazy

  5. great word, and good goals and dreams for the year.
    i have three words i’ve been thinking about for quite a while but can’t seem to settle on just one. thrive, courage and flourish. i told em in a blog comment a few minutes ago that maybe i’ll just courageously flourish & thrive this year 🙂 i honestly haven’t thought a lot about my goals this year. reading more is one, getting back to working out is another and the biggest one is try and just let go of things i cannot change and things that aren’t good for me and my stress level (ie: him). i need to sit down, think about some goals and write them down!

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