Isn’t Aj a cutie? Bj and I got up super early this morning to drive down to the WSU vs. OSU race in Dexter. Here are the results. Like Bj said, “An hour and a half of watching and we got to see 20 seconds of racing. But that’s not the point… the point is freezing your ass off.” No Bj! The point is seeing everyone and cheering on my Alma mater. One reason I wanted to go to this race is because my novice coach, Jane, is now the head coach for WSU in Pullman. Jane made my first year of crew such a good experience. Because of the opportunity I had that year I got to travel all over and participate in the coolest sport with the best girls. I made lifelong friends and gained so much confidence. I love keeping in touch with everyone from crew, but especially my first year. I love seeing Jane. I know she thinks I’m a little hyper, but hey, I only see her every once in a while so I have to be. I ran into a bunch of old friends at the show:

from left: Karen, Lauren, Katie, Kathy, Me, Eric, and Jennifer.

Oh and Bj was there too!

I also got this cute picture of Cj (Charlie’s son) on a fire truck that just happened to be there. He loves firetrucks, so it totally made his day. We only got to stay for a few minuets and didn’t get to see all the rowers after their races. I am planning a trip down to PAC-10s in Sacramento, CA at the end of spring with some other former rowers so I will get to see them all later.
Then we took off for the tri-cities. Man, it was the worst drive we’ve ever had. It rained, and I mean poured, almost the whole drive there. It was windy and sideways and everything. We only stopped a couple of times once for a potty break and once for Tillamook cheese burgers at Burgerville. We rolled into town at about 4:30. We both had “hair appointments” with Bj’s mom when we got to Bj’s parent’s house. I was first and after pretty poorly describing what I wanted and totally confusing her, my haircut got underway. I can’t stand this long hair any more! I hate in the shower feeling in on my back, and I hate blow drying it, and I hate putting it up cause then I get a headache. I was basically just sick of it. And I know a few people wanted me to grow it out, but that was just about as long as I could go. So below you will see my before and after! I love it! And I think that I may have lost another pound, that was a lot of hair! Now we’re just hanging out and relaxing after our long drive.

I love the short hair!!!
The short hair is great!