WalMart hates prego Midge!

Whoa, who knew: Barbie’s Pregnant Friend Yanked. And she’s been married and has one kid already, but still WalMart said it gave kids the “wrong idea.” That’s so weird, considering she wears a wedding ring and everything (I checked mine, I never noticed it before, but she does have a little ring painted on). You may already know that I find WalMart to be really disgusting in almost every way so this is just icing on the cake. It’s called open sex education people and it’s good. This just leaves me so puzzled. I think people should be more upset that the husband is out flying a kite with the little kid while she gives birth. hmm. Well I’ll leave you with a sunny thought:

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  1. You crack me up Amber…..
    Love the ipod sweater. Tell smeg I said hey.
    Are you going to the all night crop on the 6th?
    Me and Angela will be there!!!!!!
    Love ya

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