I’ve replaced one of my little list things on the side. The music one. To reflect the strong influence the O.C. has had on my ear. If you want to find any songs from any episode this is a great link. Just click on OC Music. And then the season you want. Be careful of …
Monthly Archives: September 2005
Brought to you by the letter A
I had fun with ribbon today. I have been overly stressing about my projects for the Ribbon Jar, I think. Like I’m afraid they have to be perfect and totally unique because I own the store and have access to hundreds of kinds and thousands of yards {which is actually very overwhelming sometimes}. So today I …
stop the madness, stop it!
I am not lying when I say that I have not done ANY physical activity in weeks, lo – not since sailing. And dammit my butt is sore from walking around the stupid neighborhood with my mom this morning. That’s right. I am sore from walking. I feel like I ran a friggin marathon. That’s …
Beachwood and more goodies
Just a quick post to say hey to Beachwood. so glad you could come over even though we got no scrapping really done, oops! Also thank you grandma for this wonderful stash of old hankies. I love old hankies and have a million projects planned! More later!
How do you find blogs?
Some people ask me. Here is a good link I found today of bloggers from two peas: pea blogs. When I first started reading blogs I would go to the comments section and find other blogers. For super good blogs you can go to the bloggies it’s an awards thingie for blogs. Just thought I …
You got me Brent, you got me good.
Okay first of all Erin, that was exactly what I was thinking when I thought of doorknob! Second of all Sue, I hope you are rocking out tonight with all that crazy Madonna music going on! Third of all: Yes that is a dictionary. Did you know that I collect dictionaries? Because I do baby, …
OMG sick, just sick
People you need to go to apple.com right now. There is so much goodness over there I can’t stand it. How about this: Or this: Or my personal favorite: Yes, yes, that is right. Madonna has joined the digital music revolution. And just as I always hoped and dreamed she did it on iTunes. Ahhhh. …
Free Association Wednesday
Doorknob Just comment with the first thing that pops in your lil ole head when you see this word, no real thinking required. If you need help see the first free asssociation Wednesday, and please …
ahhh the O.C.
Okay so my wonderful and sweet stepsister em got me season two of the O.C. for my birthday. Which of course she had to because it’s totally her fault that I am AD-DICT-ED to the show. Let me set this up for you: So it was last fall, late fall, and I was an O.C. …
I had the scariest experience of my life last night. And this isn’t one of those things were I exaggerate to make the story better. Because it’s not good already. I spent Friday night up at Bj’s in Beaverton. Yesterday we just did some odds and ends. His parents came down for the weekend around …