Hello, we are one year old today

So Life in Color is one year old today. How to celebrate? A little history first? Ok.
I had just started reading blogs, and Bj said to me, “hey you have good stories, you should do this, I’ll help you set it up.” So I decided to give it a try, thanks Beeg! I’ve loved having a blog from the very fist post. I especially love it now that I am looking back on the year. I decided on “Life in Color” because it had been my senior show title and I always loved it. I really think that is how my life is. So in the last year:
-I’ve opened a business, and watched it grow, sweating and crying and loving it.
-Moved back home.
-Turned 25, a quarter of a century people.
-Taken more pictures than any other year of my life.
-Gained 5 pounds 🙁
-Put 9,975.2 miles on my car
-Had two grandparents die
-Saw my best friend get married (and many other people as well)
-Went to Vegas, Seattle, Alaska, Palm Springs, San Fransisco, Halfway, and the Tri-Cities
-I’ve got over a dozen bouquets from Bj, but no ring
-Best of all I’ve reconnected with old friends and made great new ones.
Sometimes I feel a little down when I think things aren’t going my way. I feel like maybe I’m a bit of a looser living at home. I wish Ribbon Jar was doing better, even though it is doing well. Then I look at the blog. It’s weird, but just now looking back over the year I can’t feel bad about where I am. I feel like I’ve done so much and am so lucky that it’s silly to be upset that things aren’t perfect. Because I don’t think they ever will be, that’s what makes life interesting. No, a year ago I wouldn’t have guessed I’d be here. I think I would have said, “I’ll be engaged, and a everyone will love Ribbon Jar so much that Oprah will want me on her show.”  But then I always have dreamed big. And I wouldn’t have said that I would live for the comments and interaction on the blog, but I am so glad I have it. I love comments, living and working at home can be a bit solitary, so they are always welcome! So I guess I’ll stick around for another year, see what happens, what do you think?
P.S. I wanted to do something for the anniversaries. I’ve never been that big on them, however. So I thought a game might be fun. Who wants to guess when my car will roll over to 200,000 miles? If you do post your answer. Winner will get a stellar package I promise you. I’ll start collecting things for it now. And I suppose you could guess that my car will die before it gets there, but I only have 2160 miles to go, so that might be a bit mean.

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  1. Congratulations on your one year anniversary. I found your blog, I guess through 2peas. It’s the first and only blog I’ve ever read…I’ve got a whole decade on you and two little ones. As my sister would say, I’m not too techno savvy. Anyway, I decided to say hello and tell you how motivating you are. You are so gutsy. I’m sure you’ve heard this before. I love fiber arts, paper, clay, anything with color, but I don’t have the nerve you do to put it all out there for the world to see. I applaud you.

  2. That Alison stole my day! >:( That’s totally the day I was going to choose, lol! Ok, I’ll go with May 31. That’s my day. 🙂 Happy anniversary girlie!

  3. Congrats on your blog turning the big 1! I am so glad that you got started blogging, you have a blast doing it.

  4. I say July 17th (that’s without looking at anyone’s guess). Happy Anniversary! See you tomorrow?!

  5. Happy Anniversary, I love checking in on your blog. Thanks for doing this, gives me something to read and some excitement to my ho-hum everyday life!! I will guess July 4th!! 🙂

  6. Alright, I will make a mathematical guess as to the mileage date, if you factor in around 13 miles a day give or take, the earths rotation, the current temperature (can you believe its march) and the distance from the post office to the ribbon jar, or target, or Joann’s, I am going to say June 30, at on or around 6:15, its close enough to summer time, but also close enough to dinner time so I should be in good shape…….. tell him what he’s won Jonny!

  7. Happy anniversary and may there be many more! Just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your posts and seeing all the interesting crafty things you do. I will guess May .. 13th.

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