So Life in Color is one year old today. How to celebrate? A little history first? Ok.
I had just started reading blogs, and Bj said to me, “hey you have good stories, you should do this, I’ll help you set it up.” So I decided to give it a try, thanks Beeg! I’ve loved having a blog from the very fist post. I especially love it now that I am looking back on the year. I decided on “Life in Color” because it had been my senior show title and I always loved it. I really think that is how my life is. So in the last year:
-I’ve opened a business, and watched it grow, sweating and crying and loving it.
-Moved back home.
-Turned 25, a quarter of a century people.
-Taken more pictures than any other year of my life.
-Gained 5 pounds 🙁
-Put 9,975.2 miles on my car
-Had two grandparents die
-Saw my best friend get married (and many other people as well)
-Went to Vegas, Seattle, Alaska, Palm Springs, San Fransisco, Halfway, and the Tri-Cities
-I’ve got over a dozen bouquets from Bj, but no ring
-Best of all I’ve reconnected with old friends and made great new ones.
Sometimes I feel a little down when I think things aren’t going my way. I feel like maybe I’m a bit of a looser living at home. I wish Ribbon Jar was doing better, even though it is doing well. Then I look at the blog. It’s weird, but just now looking back over the year I can’t feel bad about where I am. I feel like I’ve done so much and am so lucky that it’s silly to be upset that things aren’t perfect. Because I don’t think they ever will be, that’s what makes life interesting. No, a year ago I wouldn’t have guessed I’d be here. I think I would have said, “I’ll be engaged, and a everyone will love Ribbon Jar so much that Oprah will want me on her show.” But then I always have dreamed big. And I wouldn’t have said that I would live for the comments and interaction on the blog, but I am so glad I have it. I love comments, living and working at home can be a bit solitary, so they are always welcome! So I guess I’ll stick around for another year, see what happens, what do you think?
P.S. I wanted to do something for the anniversaries. I’ve never been that big on them, however. So I thought a game might be fun. Who wants to guess when my car will roll over to 200,000 miles? If you do post your answer. Winner will get a stellar package I promise you. I’ll start collecting things for it now. And I suppose you could guess that my car will die before it gets there, but I only have 2160 miles to go, so that might be a bit mean.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. I found your blog, I guess through 2peas. It’s the first and only blog I’ve ever read…I’ve got a whole decade on you and two little ones. As my sister would say, I’m not too techno savvy. Anyway, I decided to say hello and tell you how motivating you are. You are so gutsy. I’m sure you’ve heard this before. I love fiber arts, paper, clay, anything with color, but I don’t have the nerve you do to put it all out there for the world to see. I applaud you.
You are 1!
26th April – for the car mileage thing.
Oooooooooh, fingers crossed!
I always enjoy reading your blog and try to catch up every week.
I’m guessing May 13th for the 200,000th mile.
Have enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for sharing bits of you.
I’ll say April 30th for the big rollover?? (my birthday)
congrats on the blog anniversary!
I enjoy reading about you and all your crafts!
I say, April 10th for the 200,000 miles! 🙂
Happy anniversary!
Hows about May 28th?
That Alison stole my day! >:( That’s totally the day I was going to choose, lol! Ok, I’ll go with May 31. That’s my day. 🙂 Happy anniversary girlie!
I am going to guess my 2nd wedding anniversary – July 3rd 🙂
Congrats on your blog turning the big 1! I am so glad that you got started blogging, you have a blast doing it.
I say July 17th (that’s without looking at anyone’s guess). Happy Anniversary! See you tomorrow?!
Happy Anniversary, I love checking in on your blog. Thanks for doing this, gives me something to read and some excitement to my ho-hum everyday life!! I will guess July 4th!! 🙂
After doing a bit of math….
I would guestimate…. June 23, 2006
Alright, I will make a mathematical guess as to the mileage date, if you factor in around 13 miles a day give or take, the earths rotation, the current temperature (can you believe its march) and the distance from the post office to the ribbon jar, or target, or Joann’s, I am going to say June 30, at on or around 6:15, its close enough to summer time, but also close enough to dinner time so I should be in good shape…….. tell him what he’s won Jonny!
I’m always up for a guessing game…I’ll say June 5th.
Congrats on the 1 Year!
My guess is May 20th.
Happy anniversary and may there be many more! Just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your posts and seeing all the interesting crafty things you do. I will guess May .. 13th.