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  1. Love, love. love the jar, i wish they still made them this way. Can’t wait to see the pic’s of your new place after you have “Amberized” it!
    Dawn in Canada

  2. It’s very commendable getting used (or not so used) stuff for your new home. I love re-cycling rather than throwing away mountains of stuff (just one of the reasons I love eBay so much). And what better way to get that vintage cool theme going. Keep it up xxx

  3. sweet!
    check out that green jar?!
    that is an amazing find – it was your lucky day!
    oh, and your new to you green crockpot . . . we had that exact one when I was growing up! 🙂

  4. Hey Amber – it’s been ages since I’ve had a chance to go to your blog, but I’m reading up on it now, and I had to laugh when I saw the crockpot you got. that’s the one my mom has and we grew up with!
    and OMG, congrats on BUYING A HOUSE!!

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