This is my favorite wedding picture. I just said, "Hey look, it’s the future!" And this was the reaction I got from Brent and Sciarrino. I love the expression, the details, her hair, his face, the way Bj has his hand on my back, my laugh, the flowers, her pashmina (sp?), EVERYTHING. Yes, wedding pictures are in. I love them, every single one! I’ll be sorting through them a bit. I think I’ll put a bunch up, but I want to do it in batches so I can tell the story behind everything, that’s what I really don’t want to forget down the road. Seriously though, with everything Eric shot, I don’t think I will forget. He got ever detail. We love him!
Yeah! I love love love the pictures – so stunning! What a photographer! Ed and I have really enjoyed looking through them all and making up our own stories and captions around them (and wishing we’d been able to attend). What I’m really looking forward to is hearing your stories about what’s REALLY happening in each picture. CCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAATTTTTTTTUUUUUUULLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTIIIIIIOOOOOOOONNNNNSSSSSS.
(I guess it went behind the side bar on the last post – oops)
OH amber! you are simply stunning girl!!!! that dress is perfect on you and you have got to be one of the most beautiful brides ever!!! i can’t wait to see the other photos.
big congrats to you and bj!!!
what a fun picture!
I can’t wait to see more!
That is an absolutely awesome photograph. Your photographer caught so many expressions. Great!
Another juicy detail is how the tux jacket comes down in arrows in the front and the vest mimics—but peaks out just enough. ALSO the third bouquet of flowers in the background—looks like Bret is holding them, knowing him he stoled them from Michele. 😉
I love Brent’s expression!! LOL!!
AWWWWW…totally love this pic!
you were a beautiful bride
your dress was made for you 🙂
Andrew totally stole my idea for his pictures! Annie and I did the same thing, but better! I thought about ripping out his page and moving it after ours 😉
Nice pictures though!!!
Oops, my last comment was supposed to be for the post above this one!