We’re home

Okay so I guess the guest blogging thing didn’t really work out. It turns out Sciarrino moved while we were away. In addition to taking care of our place and helping with Ribbon Jar and all of that she was painting, and cleaning and painting some more. I’ll bring you updates to that soon, but first a little glimpse of our time up north. I’ve only gone through some of the pictures and I can already tell you they are going to need their own photo album. My whole desktop is full of versions exported from aperture ready to post on the blog. Here are a few of my favorites (so far!).

We did this a lot, since there could be long spaces between cars (like 10 plus minuets).

I was obsessed with the cuteness of these trees. I don’t know if they are actual noble firs, but they look like them, and those are always what I get for Christmas trees. It was like Christmas tree land everywhere! And yes there are Christmas trees everywhere in Oregon, but these are all random and just right on the side of the road.

My husband likes to pose. With anything, anywhere. Hehehehe.

A most excellent picture Bj took of me. Check out that reflection. That is because the water was just beautifully clear.

We kept calling this glacier run off water "Sciarrino’s water" because of that excellent turquoise color that she loves. Sorry we couldn’t bottle you up some Sciarrino!

And finally (taken with the iPhone)… What the heck Canadians, that’s not a Shirley Temple!!! I was a bit perplexed by this concoction brought out when I asked for one, it’s like water, orange juice, and grenadine. Hmm… Is this normal Canadian behavior?

We loved our trip, more stories to come, and many more pictures, that only touched on the first few days. Good to be home, missed you all!

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  1. I think I would have jumped in (don’t think I don’t think the water is ice cold… oh! that reminds be of Harry jumping in the water to get the sword… burrrr—you might have to be my Ron. Start brushing up on the camp counselor skills. ;))

  2. Hate to break it to all of you non-Canadians but that’s what a ‘True’ Shirley Temple happens to be! Much better than grenadine and Sprite! yuck! Anyway, Dawson Creek a pretty cool place huh? (A bunch of family lives there, do not ask me why?) Glad to see you had a fab time! P.S. Canada misses you!

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful trip. I can’t wait to see more pictures and talk to you about it!! And yes, those are the cutest trees!

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