Because I have enough craft supplies for an army…

And because going to the Scrapbook Oasis with Nora was so inspiring (yummy products + awesome layout ideas) I had to pull out the paper and glue (and brads and flowers and pictures and well you know).

I swear it’s not wonky in real life, but since I’ve sworn off trying to scan and merge two sides of a page in together I just prop up the page, take a pic, and then crop it down. Not my favorite ever, but good to get my stuff out again and play. Also playing with:

Those darn mitered squares. That lot represents total squares (like four complete quarters to make one big square). I think i need to start blocking and seaming so I can see where I’m at with this insane project. Oh and it’s sitting on this (well okay not that one, the hard back version) Gee’s Bend quilt book, which my love got me for Christmas. I’m so into Gee’s Bend right now it’s not even funny.  I have this checked out from the library and will try to scan in some of my favorites soon (the book is out of print). Great inspiration for any one, those woman. And just for fun:

Please rush more time to craft!

*edited to add: The Quiltmakers of Gee’s Bend is on PBS (at least in Oregon) on Tuesday at 10am. I haven’t caught the program yet, but wanted to give anyone else interested a heads up.

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1 Comment

  1. super cute page of you and V!
    love the pics you posted from your visit with Nora!
    How fun!!!
    So, I recently bought the Mason-Dixon Knitting book…
    those mitered squares look awfully tempting.
    Do you use the same yarn they recommend in the book?

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