Vintage Pattern Love

Thanks to the wonders of eBay and a nice little gifty from a blog reader (thanks Mrs. Beachwood!) this:

Has been making my flickr account crazy with new photos. Only they are really scans of the vintage sewing patterns that have recently come into my life. I was enamored with the results of this one when I made it for Violet.

I so love the illustrations on the patterns as well. A few of my favorites:

I love the hat, but I’ve gotten a yuck response from my mom and Michele on it. It’s also in this pattern (which I adore). Also:

So Mondrian! I want one for me!!!!

If you love Vintage patterns like me you should check out the vintage pattern pool over at flickr (and a note if you’re searching for a specific pattern make sure you include content type: art/illustration on your search settings). I’m awaiting a few more packages from eBay, and Brenda is sending me something from  Australia (we’re doing a little swap, ooh I can’t wait!).  So I need to hurry up and get out the last of my Christmas packages so I can get cracking on some new outfits for V!

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  1. That polka dot dress in the 2nd picture is sooo cute! V would look adorable in it (well, any kid would!)

  2. Are you only looking for little girls’ vintage patterns, or any style? I’ll keep my eyes open around here for you. My Grandmother might even still have some of my patterns from, well, a while ago!

  3. So cute! I think you are totally right about the hat, it reminds me of pictures of fairies from when I was little.

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