12 Hour Baby Surprise Jacket

I knew I had a baby shower to go to today, but I had so many other projects on my plate that I hadn’t started any kind of gift by Thursday evening. Then I panicked a bit I knew I wanted to knit something, and I have all those great vintage mags now, but decided I could get a baby surprise jacket done in a day. So I cast on and did a few rows Thursday night, and then worked Friday morning. So at 3:45pm I had this:

I used Socks That Rock Medium Weight. I loved it. I was afraid it would pool a few times, so I broke the yarn in a couple places and re-started.

She loved it!

My cousin Tia. She look so gorgeous and happy.

Feeling the little baby kick.

I love the table runner my aunt made… with moss! So cute. I took a few shots of a little boy there whose mom said she never got good shots of him (he’s very bubbly and moves a lot).

I got a few I thought were sweet.
Speaking of pictures for others, I am bringing Kristen and Eric their engagement photos on a disc tonight when we meet up with them to hang out. I went back through the shot and had forgotten about two I set up, but Bj actually took of me:

I love this juicy jacket, hey I would wear it every day if I could.

I had just jumped out of the portico. I love how just jumping down fluffed up my hair. 🙂 I don’t dye my hair, but this time of year with out sun shinning it starts to seem so dull and flat. It’s all I can do to keep it natural. Next time the sun comes out (not looking likely any time soon, we are getting loads of rain), I plan on going outside no matter how cold. Or at least driving around with my sun roof open!

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  1. I can’t believe you made this gorgeous little jacket in such a short time!!! Amazing.
    And I loooooove your jacket also. Oh and you look good too 🙂

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