Three Years of all of this.

Today is my three year blog anniversary. So weird to think that three years ago I wrote this and put my pigtails out in the world. I don’t even really remember what started me on it. I have always journaled and kept track of my life, I think this really seemed like a great way to do that. The thing I never expected was how much happiness it would bring me. I’m sure I waste buckets of time reading other blogs and working on my own, but I love it. I love to see all the ideas out here. I love to contribute. I love to get comments, and hear from people who are reading. I love that it has made me take so many more pictures (the death of my film camera was this blog).

One thing I’ve heard is that you should have a focus on your blog. That readers will enjoy a more consise story. One just about crafting, or just about renovation, or relationships, etc. At first glance I think my blog sort of lacks that main thing that I talk about. I tend to go all over with what is happening in my life. This will be my 671st post, and I think I have like 72 topics, at least! But I hope what the people who have visited my blog (right now: 179,584 views) come away with is happiness. I try to find the good in everything, and everyone. I don’t always succeed, and I’ve had my share of rough patches these last three years, but for the most part that’s what I put out: the good. And that’s what I want to get back. And I do, over and over (3,109 comments so far). I feel so lucky to be able to live the life I’m living. And I always want to be like this, opptimisitic. So I put together a little project.


This is going to be my go to guide for day to day happiness. When I need a pick me up I can grab this book and do something that will make me happy. Here’s my sort of mission statement for the project:

Lately some people very important in my life have been unhappy. And there is always something to make you like that: physical pain, emotional stress, job worries, relationship problems. But I really think it’s best not to dwell on all the negatives. Or at least step away for a moment. You don’t have to make a book like this but I encourage everyone to make a list of five things. Five things that will make you happy TODAY, five things that will make you happy this week, this month, this year. The last category is five things that when you are old and gray will make you happy knowing you did them; lifetime happiness goals. Here’s what I came up with.












So there you have it. A few of my happy things. As I started working on it I realized just how many things make me happy (lots!) so I cruised past five. And some of them might seem silly to you, but that’s okay because your happiness list should be about what makes YOU happy, not anyone else. I only had a few guidelines for myself. I didn’t want any of the things relying on other people. I didn’t want to put anything regarding food (um, but did cave on the diet coke, mmmm). I tried to balance out the going/buying/making things so that it wasn’t all about stuff. I LOVED this project. It’s still a work in progress. I really need to think about what is going to make my life happy in the long run, but it is fun to include both those things and the instant satisfaction of say, wearing juicy joggins all day!

So in honor of my three years blogging I thought it would be fun to give away three kits for this project. I will put together a set with cover, spiral, Berry Patch punch (if you don’t have one, snag one up as they are going out of business), ribbons, paper and doo-dads. It won’t be exactly like mine, but should be fun. And hey getting mail is happy! If you would like to be included in this little bit of fun simply comment on this post by Monday, March 10th at noon Pacific Time. I’ll print out all the comments and pull three out. I’m still waiting on a few of the supplies for the kits so they won’t ship out right away. Good luck! Love you all!

39 replies on “Three Years of all of this.”

  1. This post could not have come at a better time for me…Thanks for your inspiration 🙂 I need to make one of these!

  2. Thanks for 3 years of blogging! You’ve made all of us a so much happier with sharing your stories and thoughts. Congratulations!

  3. Wow!!! This is just pure eye candy. Its also the first thing in a long time that has given me the urge to scrap. What a great outlook on life you have! I totally believe in positive energy…
    I actually heard of a study where people in one group *had* to smile while explaining an experience and others were not instructed to. Those that smiled reported better feelings of happiness and optimism than those that didn’t. So while we all know that being happy = smiling, it’s been shown that it can have the reverse effect and actually smiling when you are unhappy can make you happy!

  4. Congrats on 3 years! I think the “big thing” that you write about is your colorful life! Don’t change anything!

  5. Congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary!! I love your blog just the way it is. You don’t need one topic; that gets boring! I read your blog every day and love it so please don’t change the way your are sharing your life with us. I love the book. I think I will make one myself!

  6. Wow, three years, that’s dedication! Man, I’m luck if I can make it three days doing anything! I adore your blog, and it makes me happy! So, don’t change anything. Have fun this weekend, I know I’m going to! (Think I could use a few more!!!?)

  7. Shessh! Everything you do is so friggin’ adorable.
    #1 of my happy today list – seeing everything cute you make and being inspired!

  8. What a WONDERFUL idea! You talked about a concise topic for your blog: for me, in short, I come her for the happy inspiration. I always admire your creativity and get lots of good ideas here for other things in my life. Happy Anniversary!

  9. Can’t remember how or when I found your blog but it always brings a smile to my face and that is one of the reasons I read. Congrats on the anniversary.

  10. I like blogs on different aspects of life, not just one focus…you never know what you’re going to read about when you check it out! Keep up the good work…

  11. Congrats on the blog-o-versary.
    (One of my favorite things about your blog is that there isn’t a real specific focus. I love the variety of creative things you do.)

  12. Happy Blog-Birthday! I love the new journal and all the
    inspiration you provide. Thanks for entering me into your drawing!

  13. Congrats on 3 years of blogging! I love all your photos and craft projects. Getting a kit would be fab. 🙂
    -Karin in Mpls

  14. Happy Blog Birthday!
    What a great kit!
    Your comments will probably soar off the charts for this one!!

  15. I so look forward to reading your blog every day (or when you post)–I love that it is a reflection of random happenings and pictures that make you who you are. I really enjoy the whimsy and silliness–we all should partake of it in our own daily lives and keep the joy flowin’!
    Congrats on the 3 year mark–and thanks for sharing and keeping it real!

  16. I love this book!! Even if I’m not one of the lucky three I may have to make something similar (after my daughters Bat Mitzvah-7 days! Yikes!). On 43Things I have a goal of recording something that makes me happy everyday and it’s funny how even on the worst days I can find something that makes me smile!

  17. Love the book…so fun! Just found your blog and have enjoyed checking it out detail.
    Congrats on 3 years!
    Thanks! Jen

  18. Hi Amber!
    Happy birthday Life in Color 🙂 I write from Finland (so excuse my bad english) and I have been reading your blog for over a year now. It is so full of happiness, inspiration and color day after day. Actually your blog inspired me to start one of my own. And I just love this book you made. I think I might do something similar…

  19. Happy Blog-o-versary Amber!!
    I love your album, super idea!!
    Yeah, I’ve wondered about the ‘one theme’ for your blog thing too. I don’t really have that, far too easily distracted I am……….

  20. Amber–CONGRATS on the 3 years, and hopefully many more, of your blog and showing us the wonderful things you do! I love the ecclectic style of it and your creativity is mind-blowing! You have inspired me to make a “happy list” for myself. I think it’s very easy for people to get lost in the negatives of ones day and this is a good way to pick out the good to realize how truely blessed we are! I know one of my happy things will be YOU! Love ya!

  21. happy blog anniversary!
    You inspired me in many, MANY ways…your positive outlook, your crafting, your thrifting, the kind of friend you are to others, etc.
    And this book. It is JUST what I need right now.
    Today I am going to work on making the lists of happy things.
    thank you for sharing it with us!

  22. This blog is so full of fun, I really enjoy it when I need some color, craftiness and a dose of alp.
    Congrats…has it really been 3 years already?!

  23. I missed out on the drawing but that is okay! I LOVE this idea and will have to give it a try myself!!! Thanks for sharing! Dawn

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