Tuesday Update… on Monday

My sweet Tutu has been so adorable lately. Funny. And learning to do lots of new things. I love her so much!
Playing with her hands.
And standing up with a little help. I had Sciarrino dress her – such a cute outfit. Glad I dug out the size 6 months shirts!!!
I have a whole series of these, they might be my favorite shots yet.
She wasn't actually pouting, just caught her in the middle of her fun with tongue time.
Playing with her feet.

Today Lachlan and Tracy came over:
Oh yes, Bj wanted me to put her in her monster outfit at least one more time (we were going through her clothes last night):
He was very excited to cuddle the little monster:
She also had a cute onsie on under there. We tried to get the two babies together:
Sparkle Pants was not cooperative (don't worry a little nursing soon fixed the situation).

The next post will be craft related… I have way more projects going than time, you'll see.

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  1. OMG!!!! I LOVE THESE PICTURES!!!!! Especially the one with her winter hat on playing with her feet. Just like her mama, getting pictures of her feet already! And the last picture looks like the babies are watching a scary movie together…like he’s all into it and she is scared. Lol. Such cutie pies!!

  2. Love checking out your blog first thing in the AM… All the cuteness, I know I’m going to have a good day! Those two watching the scary movie… hilarious!

  3. SO funny! ceara is right! they DO look like they’re watching a scary movie! haha! 🙂
    ah, i love that little girl…
    she is SO adorable. those winter hat ones…LOVE them.
    it’s a toss up between the pouty lip one + those cute little feet!

  4. and soon there will be four babies (hopefully two with red hair) to shoot! can’t you not wait till those are ready to photograph?! Lochlan and Tuesday will have to look after them… babies are cute, but babies together—cuter! Tuesday, red might be your color girl. xx

  5. her feet up in the air is my fav! I love that you update this blog so often! I always look forward to seeing what she is up to next! As Tuesday is getting a little older, some of your features are coming out in her more! It is so cool to see her able to stand with your help! Oh my gosh it is adorable!!!

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