
Hands down I had an awesome weekend. We didn't go anywhere but we did have lots of fun. Starting on Saturday when I went thrifting. That's right, Sciarrino and I were back up to our old tricks. I thawed some of my milk, left Tutu with Bj and headed out early. I didn't have any huge scores, but I did get some fun things, like this Mulder action figure and these games:
Most of my weekend haul was from an immigrant's estate sale, and everything had Russian price tags. I even got an atlas in Russian:
I got a few knitting books, including this one, and some older pamphlets, this is my favorite sweater from those:
I did end up getting a "come home quick" text message, after Tuesday refused the bottle. We had given her one before to see how she would do, but she has never had to miss a feeding (that's right my max time away from her before had been about 1.5 hours). When I got home she smiled crazy at me like she was saying, "hey you came back!" And then she was too distracted to eat. I didn't want to waste the pumped milk so I heated it and had Bj try again. He fed her, and she stared at me the whole time and chugged it down no problem, funny little girl.

Saturday night Ethan and Sciarrino came over and we did a classic BBQ and game night. Sunday I spent the whole day with Sarah, scrapbooking. It so deserves it's own post, if for no other reason than I got pages done and this post is already going to be picture heavy. It was really fun though, and Bj got in most of our new windows while I was doing that – so a very productive day.

Sunday my mom and Bill were home from a southwestern vacation so grandma came over to hang out with Tuesday πŸ™‚ We went for a nice long walk, it was great, I love my neighborhood more and more the warmer it gets out. We went over to my mom's for a BBQ in the evening. I had my little brother hold Tuesday:
Which was pretty cute, though not as cute as this:
Tuesday's first swim!

(Let me take this opportunity to say that while yes, I am wearing my maternity swim suit – I am not expecting again! Yes, I did get a congratulations this weekend on expecting again – yikes. The sad thing is I thought I was doing really well eating better. I'm at 139.4, I was 134 when I got back from Hawaii in January last year (damn chocolate covered macadamia nuts), and 124 right before I got pregnant. So, I'm working on it! I also have this bad habit of sticking out my stomach when I hold Tuesday, and I'm sure the bad posture doesn't help)

She loved the pool. I knew she would. She kept pushing herself up out of her little seat and kicking her micro sized legs.
I think this is going to be a very fun summer.
She as totally cracking us up.
I should say I'm not really sure when babies are supposed to go in
pools, but luckily this is my mom's pool and I know it is very clean
and doesn't have too many chemicals.
Awe Tuesday loves grandma! I think I'll wait a while before taking her to a public pool. Tuesday would have stayed in here all night, but she started shivering, so we got her out. I got her back into some knitwear and she chilled in her vintage pram while we ate:
Last night was a whole other story. She did not want to sleep – at all. I think maybe it's because she took a nap yesterday while we walked, and another micro one when we got to my mom's. So maybe 1.5 hours of sleep during the day total? She ate so many times I lost count, and by 7:30 I just had Bj bring her to me in bed so I could nurse her lying down, I was so exhausted. Bj was so cute he said, "Tuesday you have to remember to thank you mom for all this milky some day." She's napping again now, hopefully it won't be a vicious cycle, but she looks too peaceful to wake up. She may just be going through a growth spurt, I don't know. But I hope I get some more sleep tonight!

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  1. oh my goodness–how sweet in the pool?!?!?
    I’m really jealous of the scrapping time–I spent all weekend working, then all day Monday with the kids…I have to plan time to get some pages done!

  2. It sounds like a great weekend. πŸ™‚
    Love the swimming photos!
    Miri will take a bottle…but not if she’s really unhappy. It’s kind of like the pacifier. If she’s in the mood, she’ll take it, but not if she’s crabby!

  3. She’s going to be a swimmer for sure! either that or a swimsuit model… so cute!

  4. Very cute photos! And dang I wish we had a pool to visit too πŸ™‚ And just a tip, sometimes when the day is really busy – lots of interaction for Miss Tuesday – sometimes the energy carries through the night too. *chuckle* As long as they aren’t screaming – its actually kind of fun to just talk and be silly. But expect either a lot of naps in the coming few days or some really good chunks of sleep at night. (I always preferred the latter – so I could sleep too!)

  5. ur baby girl is soooo cute, she reminds me of my girl when she was her age πŸ™‚ wish her all the luck in her life, and wish ur familly to be happy always.

  6. oh my goodness! that swimsuit is adorable on her!
    thanks again for hosting such a fun scrap day…
    i had tons of fun – and loved hanging out with you and tuesday. her smiles and her GIGGLE made the day even better! πŸ™‚

  7. Oh my gosh the swimming pictures are adorable! I can tell she really loves the water! She is so expressive! I can not wait to see her in person again! I hope she likes Alaska!

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