Unexpected Thrifting

This morning was going to be a sweet sleep in day today, but it just did not happen, so I rang up Sciarrino and we went thrifting. First we walked to a sale I had been to earlier in the week, on day two of the sale (I missed day one because they added Thursday at the last minute – I was so bummed!), and got a piece of cool fabric, but I knew today was going to be half price day and I wanted to go back for a couple of things. Tuesday and I walked over and both things I wanted were still there (a lamp and an old school map). Then I took Tuesday back home to have some papa time and hit up a few more sales around town.

Sciarrino and I got all this cool paper ribbon (I know, like I need more ribbon). We decided we are going to have a present wrapping party this year. I like the 66 2/3 yards of ribbon, what?!?! And the little deer was just too cute to pass up. 
This little book is very funny and old school. It illustrates important manners like pulling out mother's chair before dinner. The serving dish is a wonderful green color, so it had to be mine. I also got a cool tray I'm going to use outside when I finally set up the porch all cute (soon I hope). But the best thing of all was this outfit:
It is so wonderfully made at first I thought it was store bought, but it's handmade. I should be able to squeeze Tuesday into in the fall, we'll see how much she grows in width, it has room in length.

Then it was onto the reunion. Sorry my out of town peeps, the only picture I managed to take was a cute one of Tuesday and my friend Jenna:
Out of 431 class members I think maybe thirty or so were at the daytime family event, lots more will be there tonight, but not me, since we just left Tutu last week for the concert, and I didn't want to leave her so soon again. In some ways I don't think I've changed much since high school, but I definitely feel more secure with who I am than I ever did in high school, pretty normal to feel that way I guess. All of my friends who were there looked fabulous and pretty much the same. It really made me want to get back to shredding it and eating healthy. After the reunion we headed out to a toy maker's house. He wasn't invited to the art fair this year (which I can't believe, there were no toys!), so we went to him. Luckily I had saved his card from last year. Tuesday loves the truck we picked out for her:
This is the Oregon wood truck, all the blocks are made from native Oregon woods. You may also notice Tuesday showing off a new skill:
Sitting all alone! She does it so well. A week ago she could not even sit that well assisted. She is such a watcher, she stares and figures something out until she gets it and then she just does it. Very intellectual :) 

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  1. That smile says it all… She’s a very happy baby! And I love the hand sewn outfit. What a find!

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