Nothing will halt online computer work like slow upload speeds and silly internet problems. I took this as a sign last Friday that I should take the afternoon off and scrapbook. I have a pile of pictures printed and not even in the simple three-up albums I keep them in. I need to clean out an old one first and I feel like I have a million stories I want to tell. Here are a few I got to:
Pictures from last summer. I went Silhouette crazy on this thing.
I’m still loving that machine. And look, I hoped on the cloud band wagon! There wasn’t any paper in my stash that fit with the soft colors I wanted so I pulled out an old atlas. I think it works though since the diapers went bye bye.
How awesome are we? My senior shoot came with a free family sitting in the studio. Looking back on this really makes me glad I do photography the way I do, not so posed and stuffy. I mean all white shirts? We never wore those. I am glad to have the photo of us together though.
My typewriter I think suffered from a lack of use and is acting up on me, but I just went with it.
On one of Tuesday’s Sciarrino days she got to make this shirt with her. Oh my goodness she loves it so much. When she catches a glimpse of it she squeals, “paint!” and insists on wearing it.
Trying to channel a little of Christine Middlecamp. That girl can layer something fierce!
I felt so much better getting to spend a few hours doing something totally for me and just for fun. I need to make more time for this sort of thing. How do you make time for your crafty pursuits? And I know Vee will tell me to get up earlier, she’s crazy!
I NEED to scrapbook. Must make it a priority as soon as this term is over…
Clara, on the other hand, has been a crafting machine making all sorts of cards and door signs, and stuff like that. she rocks. She benefited greatly when I purged my stash. lol
love the layouts! so anxious to scrap with you again…SOON!
I love that there are remnants from this painting venture on my drafting table. I don’t plan on cleaning it up any time soon. I should make a layout to go with this—documenting our times together, and give it to you. Then you’ll/she’ll have two takes on our relationship. Cool idea?
Woohoo! So glad you are finding time to scrap! 🙂
love them, you are working that cloud punch! lol, yep I get up before s2 wake up (like 6am) or at night after they fall asleep. 🙂