Second baby bumps deserve some love too

When Carmen and I were pregnant the first time it was all we talked about. Baby this, baby that. I don’t think it’s just because I’m not pregnant that we don’t talk baby all the time. It’s our two little girls that have us chatting most of the time. When I first picked her up at the airport I exclaimed, “oh your bump is so cute!” I knew she was pregnant, and we did talk about it some, but I can see how second (and third, and forth…) babies get a little less focus. I’m going to try to squeeze in a shoot with her whole family when they come back down for her brother’s wedding, but I wanted to get some just of Carmen while we were having girl time.

We carved out about thirty minutes from our busy crafting, chatting, eating agenda and shot these in the pearl in Portland. It was bright and sunny for one day, and we happened to be out in it. Of course this meant shade was better for taking photos, but Carmen wanted to make sure we got a few that showcased the beautiful weather, like the one above.

Carmen in front of her dream home, a condo right in the pearl.

Sorry Carmen, I should have gone across the street to get all of the lovely garden in!

Carmen is due in August, so it’s much earlier than a regular maternity shoot. But you know what? She still has so much energy and was up for anything that I’m totally down with earlier maternity photos now, it was so fun.

Carmen you’re gorgeous and I love you! Kisses to baby girl number two!

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  1. So, I knew you were going to post these photos because you talked about it in your last post, however I still got a little excited at the title thinking “oooh! is Amber pregnant???” 😉

  2. This was so much fun. It is weird to look at the pictures because in my head my bump is SO MUCH BIGGER than it looks in the pictures! Man I have a long ways to go! Thanks for capturing these! I can still feel the sunshine!

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