*I found a project sort of like the one shown here on Pinterest. I finally took the plunge and went over there. It’s awesome, like visual bookmarking (way better than my totally unorganized bookmarks). I am in the process of moving all my starred things on google reader over to it. I was hesitant, but it is so ridiculously easy. If you have a board let me know! You can find me here, and if you need an invite I’m happy to send one to you.
p.s. Tuesday is into dressing herself and picking out her own outfits. You can’t see it but her underwear are on inside out as well and she has train socks on. Nice touches, don’t you think?
Cute & cuter…!
I’m taking the plunge and getting organized!I love the visual aspect.
Love love LOVE that picture of Tuesday. I think it’s my favorite of the 10,000 or so you’ve taken of her so far 🙂
Love those pinwheels! How are you attaching the pinwheels to the clips? That’s an ongoing questions for me anytime I see cute clips!
I still don’t get how pintrest works…I need to spend more time playing with it, but it’s fallen down my list of need to get done…lol
I think you are going to have a heck of a time picking just one picture for her high school year book…but that one has a good chance of making it 🙂
I love that rain shirt!
Okay I think I need to do this pinterest thing. I hear nothing but great things about it. Can you send me an invite?? I don’t know how it all works!
Anyway…LOVE Tuesday’s outfit. Especially her shirt! Miri is way into dressing herself lately. It’s great fun to see what they come up with! 🙂
Suzie, I found clips with holes in them so I can sew them right on. I read that “alligator” clips would work better and I think that’s right. I’m going to try that next because I think it will be easier to open and close that kind of clip with a pinwheel.
Those pinwheel clips are sooooo cute. My daughter wakes up with hair just like that!! She also likes to pick out her own outfits. I love to see what she comes up with.