I’m still planning on doing something else with my Week in the Life photos. I love them (and thank you for all the sweet comments about them!) and am thinking maybe a Shutterfly book would be the easiest thing to get done. I did include the week in my Project Life album. Of course with 600+ photos to choose from I knew I had to make it easy on myself. So I just picked a handful that best represented the project.
And we went to the beach and I still didn’t use any inserts! Yay for easy! When I was thinking about the week in photos I was thinking about why I loved the project and why the photos were so special. They were so special to me because I don’t usually take photos of things like breakfast and my weight. And my mom, who I normally see once a week I hardly have any pictures of (for shame!). So those are the pictures I chose to include, and I just journaled about why I picked those photos.
For me Week in the Life is all about the photos, not so much the words. But Tuesday had some real gems quote wise so I used this little pocket bag thing Sarah got me to slip a journaling card in with them all typed out. And on that note:
no inserts? say what?! looks awesome!! i really (REALLY) need to catch up. i’m back to four weeks behind again. hoping for some sunshine this weekend so i can take pictures of the weeks i’ve finished AND hoping for time to tackle these weeks i’m behind on. oh and thanks for reminding me about those little bags! i forgot i bought those – ha!
love the ballet pic! All the other girls are in tutus and tuesday is in pants with no shirt! Love it! Again, you are amazing for doing all of this scrap-booking. even though u say it is easy, it doesn’t look easy!
This is so inspiring. So much wonderful work.