The layouts… how old school.

I have been doing so much scrapbooking via Project Life, that “traditional” 12×12 layouts have totally fallen by the wayside for me. I don’t mind so much, but I do like that I can focus on fun paper combos and more story for the big pages. So while the computer was down I thought I’d go through some of my photos I have stashed and see which stories I wanted to tell.

For my “warm up” layout I wanted to use up this “life is good” thing I’d cut maybe a year ago. I’m in total use it or loose it mode so I’m purging and using up old stuff like crazy. It feels really good. I decided to do a layout about this because I have pages of Tuesday painting a long time ago and I thought it would be fun to see the difference in her now vs. then.

I’ve also been loving Marcy Penner’s style. I have had this layout pinned for over a year and scrap-lifting it was perfect for this photo. I see nothing wrong at all with lifting someone else’s style for your books (I mean, unless of course you’re trying to pass it off as something newly yours). It’s such a nice place to start if you’re stuck.

In fact for this next one I basically lifted the lift! Ha!
I do need to get back to Project Life (my IT just fixed, yay! Solid state hard drives rock!), but these have been really fun to do. I hope that I’ll have some time when new baby comes to do some just for it. I need to make up a baby book, and haven’t even started it. I think I’ll probably just copy the general layout of Tuesdays. And of course buy a Hallmark one as a back up. If you’ve started Project Life has your “regular” scrapbooking gone way down? Or is this just me (and Sarah)?

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  1. That last picture of Tuesday I see BJ in her so much! Normally I just see a mini-Amber ๐Ÿ™‚
    I had such good intentions. Bought the Project Life stuff, and then didn’t go anywhere with. Luckily I bought a back up baby book too. Well, my mom did when I was in the hospital with Annalise ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I love the one picture layouts, these ones are no exception!

  2. Mary,
    Have you thought about just doing monthly spreads? I’m going back and doing 2011 that way, with VERY minimal journaling. It’s so easy and just gives little snapshots of the year. If you have all the stuff you should give it a try! The little pockets are perfect for iPhone photos too.

  3. fabulous layouts amber! and yeah, no “regular” scrapping for me this year. we’ll see what happens next year. maybe i’ll mix in some layouts with project life? but like i’ve said, i can see me sticking with just the project life style for a while… though i think things would totally be different if i had a child or a family.

  4. The monthly layout is a good idea. I know I could do that–I have enough pictures between my computer and my phone to be successful at that!
    Where do you print your iphone pictures out? I bought a little printer thinking it would work? Total FAIL. Doesn’t work with iphones ๐Ÿ™

  5. It’s too early for me to review it because I just plugged it in last night, but I have this mini printer:
    I had an old (2005) Picture Mate I loved, but it got damaged and I decided to upgrade, so we’ll see… I wasted a ton of prints the few weeks I had the pictures printed. I’ll go over how I choose my pictures for Project Life in an upcoming post, promise!

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