Our little Mail Carrier

This is actually NOT a halloween costume, but I’m putting up the pictures now in case you have a little one who wants a postal carrier/mailman outfit. Tuesday has been super into mail and notes for a long time. I need to do a post about how we utilize that for learning, and her cool notebook she uses to send her own mail. But for now I want to show you this amazing mail carrier outfit. It was a collaboration between her nana and me. If by collaboration you understand that I bought the fabric (at Jo-Ann’s) and pattern (Sketchbook Shirt + Shorts from Oliver + S) and begged my mother in law to make it for me. I did get it out once to think about making it and the first part of the shirt directions talked about a placket and I was like, “I’m out!”. I know my limits. I did make the hat, and the bag (so easy, from this tutorial).

When we got to my in-laws this summer the outfit was hung up and waiting for her. Oh man oh man did we have a happy girl on our hands!!! We walked around and pretended to deliver mail. She was so excited about this open package mailbox.

My father-in-law told their local mail carrier that they had something for him at the house and could he please come over? He was in another area of the development and we were set to leave but my in-laws wanted him to see Tuesday… and she wanted to see him! She was so excited. I mean like over the moon.

He was pretty tickled too. And Tuesday even got to sit in the real mail truck!
I believe my mother in law followed the pattern pretty much to the letter (if not I’ll edit this). She added my mom’s beautiful velvet ribbon down the side. For these we used the 16mm Black Velvet. The only kind of velvet I’ve seen in stores is really thick, and would look weird on this. I am totally of the mind that if you are going to spend this much time on something why skimp on the details. The velvet made these pants. I found the patches on eBay. I still love it when she comes downstairs in this, it’s just too cute.

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