Tuesday. You’ll have to forgive me being a bit behind. I needed to collect photos from all our devices this weekend and my goodness we have a lot of them (iphones, ipods, cameras!). Even though many of these photos certainly lack in the technically wonderful department (ha!), they more than make up for it in the everyday wonderful images that will help me remember the little moments for years to come. That’s why I’d recommend this project to anyone, even if it’s with a point and shoot or phone! And these photos with the dishes, and the messes are where it’s at. Don’t try to crop all of this out of your life. You don’t have to put it out for everyone to see, but you will want these types of images some day. Really.
7:57 AM the real reason I don’t want to wean her off of wake up morning nursing, I can lay with my eyes closed just a little bit longer. I see PJs we love, Tommy the little doll who everyone loves, a mama made quilt. New sheets.
8:31 AM Bennet with “tea” (hot water) after just munching some gummy vitamins. I see lots of dishes from yesterday, a bad habit I’ve gotten into. Cherrios, Tuesday wants them over any other breakfast. Always a dirty water bottle by the sink, and yet never enough water drank (by me at least).
9:41 AM The bowl of tomatoes I picked before my weekend away were half rotting in the garage. I cleaned and salvaged what I could. Thankful for fresh ones a little longer. I see a combination of procrastination and good intentions.
11:14 AM Crafting in their jammies. I see a wonderfully creative girl making her dolly a washer and dryer. A little sister wanting into everything at once. Pumpkins with no where to go. Actually many things with no where to go. I see piles that seem to move from one area of the house to another.
12:29 PM The kids play while the window washer does his thing. I see lots of papers from Tuesday, so much output from this girl. I love the writing. I love the creativity. But I see lots of “stuff” that never has a place and drives this mama crazy!
1:42 PM Bennet is down. I see her Birdie down for a nap too. She lovingly put her there before she grabbed her blankie to nurse. I see books. Including that monkey one I hate to read, but they request over and over. I see an old lap pad; another thing I can’t get rid of because the girls use them so much. I see a sweet blanket made by nana. I see socks which means I never quite get that legging look working right. I see the edge of the “whoa blanket”. Tuesday called it that when she was little and now we all do, and use it every day. For nursing Bennet at naps and for mama to make up the difference in how cold/hot Bj and I like to be at night.
1:54 PM Ironing binding. I see a mama who needs a little “me time”. I see more unfinished projects. I see a clean window.
2:12 PM Attaching binding. I see myself working fast to beat the monitor; soon enough Bennet will wake, always when I’m right in the thick of something. I see a wonderful old machine that I love so much. I see lots of love in my stitches. I see the tip cut off my quilting glove so I can use the iPhone.
2:29 PM Bennet is back asleep. See she did wake up again. I see artwork that we love. Lamps that I thrifted long ago and fit just right. Two out of three nesting tables as nightstands. The clock radio Bennet loves to play with. I see books wanting to be read.
2:40 PM Check in on Tuesday at rest time. I see a very old picture (her great grandpa as a toddler, which she requested be hung here). I see a little girl who loves to read everything even though technically she can’t read anything. I see sheets I never change enough because it’s such a pain.
4:10 PM Bennet is up, but not really. In that pre-wake up sleepiness where I can lay next to her with my hand on her back and check my phone: Instagram, Feedly, Fosterhood in NYC, email, repeat. I see time to maybe dive into an article or two if she really settles back down.
5:13 PM headed out. I see some serious style here. Boots for her costume, knee highs, her daisy girl scout skirt, an owl purse I made her, “I am made of Awesome” tee-shirt, and a bonnet slung back. I see Bennet’s new umbrella. Those vintage cords I got for 50 cents and love. The thrifted top I scoured the used kids store for because she had one like it last year and I just loved snuggling her in it. I see our license plate that I love. I see a tree that needs to come down. I see leaves to rake.
6:00 PM Thai food. I see a papa take one for the team, it’s not exactly a relaxing night to sit next to Bennet at the table, but she is entertaining! I see curry that was too spicy. I see a disposable cup. It drives me crazy all the restaurants give them out to kids. Straws = problems.
7:05 PM Tuesday in the stacks looking at Anne Geddes. I see through Bennet, who snapped this picture while I was an aisle over. My phone lost battery right after she did it, so good thing she did.
8:59 PM letting them watch some Thomas. I see that I’ve given in. I see late nights home alone with the girls and lots to do. Costumes to start, things to clean. I see too much. Too much fabric, too many toys, so much clutter.
10:15 PM Bennet on the stairs. I see a tired girl whose mama pushed her way too late.
11:16 PM The girls are down. Feeling overwhelmed and too tired to do anything that would really put a dent in the things that need to be done I see a mama who just needed to pick up some simple knitting and get a few stitches in.
I love how you documented this day… Perfect!
Eh, the clutter is how you know you’ve got your priorities straight when you have small children 🙂
Jessica I think I need to frame this comment! I love it!
It’s funny what you see when you look at the picture, as compared to what the audience sees. Liked reading through this.
So Mary dish, what did you notice?!?!
You kept mentioning clutter and what not, but I didn’t even see it, until you mentioned it. Like the kitchen shot–the stuff that stood out was Bennie on the counter, and the box of cheerios. LOL but not the dishes.
Maybe that says something about the state of MY house 😉 but it looks like you’re doing a good job capturing your life last week, and like I said, it’s interesting to hear what you see in the pictures vs what I do. 🙂
I see a mama being far too hard on herself! I’ve just been catching up on your blog – haven’t visited for a long while and when I got to this post I was hoping that someone would have already told you this. But they haven’t, so I felt compelled to do so! You do an amazing job parenting, teaching, crafting and sharing such an appreciation for the beautiful moments in life. So if a little bit of washing up, organising or tidying doesn’t get done once in a while, who cares! We’ll never judge, so just keep doing what you’re doing, and go easy on yourself. :o)