Oh hey we got a “vintage” trailer. It’s an Avion 1984 30R. That means it’s an Avion (by Fleetwood) from 1984, it’s 30 feet long and has a rear bedroom (two twins we’re using for the girls). Upon first glance most people comment on our “Airstream” but it’s not. It’s not related at all. We’re biased but we think it’s better. All the cabinetry is solid wood, it’s better insulated and 6″ taller inside (which is very important when your husband is 6′ 4″. Also they are way, way cheaper. The parts are more standard so it’s a little easier to replace things. Of course we swoon over awesome Airstream renovations like anybody else, but it just wasn’t in the budget to go that route.
And we’re totally in love with it. Here are some before pics.
The seller was in Arizona, so the window trim stuff was all dried out. We spent most of our budget fixing things that were pretty basic, and we still have things like that to fix (our fresh water tank leaks, for example). But we decided to clean it up as best we could and go camping this summer. It was AMAZING. And I can not wait to go on more adventures with this awesome trailer of ours.
Amber, I am glad to see you blogging again! I have so enjoyed your posts in the past and seeing your girls progress in such a wonderfully creative atmosphere. My youngest granddaughters are now 13 and 16 — I remember when they were the ages of your girls. Happy trails in your Avion!
Awe thank so much Dawn! I’m so glad to get back into it.