One summer day

Just jumping back in with a day, yesterday to be exact. Trying this blogging from my phone thing as it seems I never have time to sit at the computer any more!
Bennet has been sleeping terribly and this day woke with a temperature. She went down for an early nap which gave Tuesday and I some alone time. She chose painting. We eat all our meals outside so this table has taken a hit from the mess monster! Not sure what I’m going to do about this when the weather cools. Trying to get the basement back into action.
My mom is selling her house and doing a little updating in the process. She needed new carpet in the bonus room, where the piano sat. She asked if we would like it. Pay for moving it she said, and it’s yours! Bj loves to play the piano so I was excited to add this to his office (now also music room!). It’s beautiful! Bennet cried when I got her down, I think we have another music lover in the family.

I’ve never tried finger painting with either if my girls but yesterday I decided to give it a try. I got a pad of finger painting paper at goodwill (I’ve been having some great luck there!) and used yogurt colored with koolaid powder. Did you know koolaid has no sugar? You have to add it so the powder is great for color and smell. Lucky for me I have an (almost) 12 year old mama’s helper who was busy playing with Tuesday in her outdoor play kitchen so I could have a little Bennie time.

I’m not sold on this activity. I don’t understand the reason not to give a toddler a brush. Anyone? Messy!
Not pictured:
Bennet’s breakfast of frozen pineapple slices only (so maybe the temperature is teething?). Tuesday wearing the size 18 month shorts I bought Bennet for next summer (such skinny girls!). Driving to aunt Sciarrino’s to pick up another thrifted treasure. Pizza. Mousetrap with Ethan. And giggles and squeals. Two goodwill stops with only this to show for it… But brand new at $3.50 makes mama happy. Which led to late night magnet unit set up, how could I not?
And now it’s tomorrow and Bennet barely slept and I think I need a little nap.

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  1. what a fun day 🙂
    We pretty much skipped finger painting as well. We use brushes when we do paint, and sometimes Annalise still uses her hand, but then at least she has the choice.

  2. Busy, but awesome day 🙂 I love seeing all of Tuesday’s artwork. Oh, and I LOVE your french doors! They are gorgeous! And Bennet could not be more adorable playing on the piano, and she has so much hair now… I love it!! How awesome to have a piano at home. And how awesome to have a mama’s helper so you can spend some alone time with each of the girls. I hope Bennet’s sleeping improves, so you can get some much needed rest. Take care mama!

  3. The pictures of Bennet look antique. They look like they could have been pictures of you as a baby! (not that you are antique) 🙂 Great tip about the koolaid!

  4. Hi, I sent a message earlier but didnt receive a response so trying again. Do you do newborn photography? Please send me an email if you do. Thanks!

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