I have always loved Tetris, pretty much the only video game I can understand. But this new puzzle game for the PSP, Lumines is just so addictive. I can’t seem to get past level 39, but I’ll keep you posted. The only thing I am worried about is that there is no “end” to the game, so technically you could play forever (yikes!).
Now I have a question for all of you out there. i was wondering about where to find good blog lists and if you yourself are on any. I have heard of blog drive but I don’t really know anything about it. I’ve managed to find some blogs that I really love totally randomly when I go to the TypePad home page and click on the recently updated. I think that is how some people have added me too. I really like the way blogs can interconnect people and think really interesting chains can develop. So any good lists you know of would be cool (you know, if you told me about them).
*edited to add: I just got to level 44, no end in site and I pulled a muscle or something in my lower arm. ugh.
It looks like an addicting game! Looking at this picture makes me think of this http://tinyurl.com/8mrof even though you are not wearing red! Love ya…
I am so addicted to tetris. my husband bought me a little hand held one and I take it everywhere!!
For a site that has scrapping blogs is
I really love it.
Hey Amber, I use Bloglines (www.bloglines.com) to keep track of my favorite blogs…it lets me know whenever something new has been added. I don’t know if you can use it to find blogs…oh, you can. it looks like you can do a search in blogs. cool. anyway, i really like it. I also get a daily kick out of http://www.dooce.com she is NOT a scrapbooker and I think that is why her blog is so funny. it’s real, you know?