The day is here. The Ribbon Jar is officially open! This is the reason I haven’t posted lately. I’ve been getting my little project all ready for the world wide web. It turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. Today was a little crazy scary for me. It was all rainy and drizzly, much more than normal so it was really dark in here. Plus this helicopter was doing little mini flights right over our townhouse and landing in the field across the street for about four hours. It was really loud, but hey, the neighbor’s band didn’t practice. Anyway I had all this stuff to do, and I had just submitted to the super intimidating credit card company. Everything has to be perfect on your site before they can turn you on to actually take payments. Well at about noon I started flipping out (in a good way) when our contact guy Jeremy said that everything was right and he was flipping it on. I wanted to put up the site right away but we had to wait until after midnight so that we could do test runs when no one would really be ordering. So the site was turned on then, but set to a member’s only setting so that no one would order before we were ready. When we went to do the final checks imagine my surprise to see someone all ready signed up. Kay I love you!!!! Some how she had gotten on just before the site went live (you need to go back now because it looks much cooler) and signed up. I almost cried I was so happy. I hope everyone really loves the site and all the ribbon. The color journal above I did for the home page with some of our mini ric-rac. Sue turned me on to this stuff and I had to order every color for us because it is so cute and fun to use. Keep checking back because more ribbon is coming all the time. Let me know what you think, what you want, and if there’s a type please tell me!
To all my family and friends who have been so supportive of me I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know it could still tank, but to know you all stood by me while I took this risk is amazing. Mom, without your design sense I could never make such cool things. Dad, watching you have your own business is one of the reasons I knew that was what I wanted to do. And Bj, what can I say. I know I’ve asked a million questions and for you to “come here” just one more time to look and see if I did it right. You stood by me and helped me and if this thing succeeds at all it will be in huge part to you! Thank you again everyone!
big congrats!!!! heading over now to have a look 🙂
Congratulations! You’ve got a great site, and such cute ribbons!
Hey! Congratulations! After midnight is when the UK wakes up! Very cool, now I am thinking what I could possibly do that necessitates ribbon. Hell, maybe i’ll just tie it to myself. xxx
Fabulous site… Your hard work and creative side shows through this site.
Have fun!
Love Mom
your site is so wonderful alp…congrats!
Gorgeous ribbon – such a great web site!!!
Wow good for you! What awesome ribbon! I may just have to buy a bunch. Not sure I can justify it right now with the loads I just got! 🙂
Good luck with your venture!
Your dreams are coming true. I am so proud of you Amber! You are so creative that I know this will be unbelievably successful.
congratulations on your site…it looks really cool.