Naughty Naughty

Today was a sorta slow Ribbon Jar day so I spend some day in my little craft studio. I beefed up my Basic Grey paper stash a few weeks ago so I pulled out all my patterned paper and got rid of the same size stack. I’m trying to do that whole balance thing, what goes in, must go out. That, and I am a bit worried about where Bj’s stuff is going to go in this place. Which is ridiculous because I’m not where near the small spaces they showed on Oprah the other day. 250 feet apartments, oh my goodness! Anyway after that I pulled out a few things so I could make up a cool card to send Bj. With all the wedding planning it seems like we’ve actually been seeing less of each other. So I pulled out some goodies and whipped this up:

Two slang cards back to back stapled to be a sort of pocket. They are the sex version. I know, so naughty, but I have to collect all of the cards, I just find them so hilarious. Did you see they have new vintage slang. ohhhh. vintage slang!

I tucked some notes in there with little ribbon tabs. After a good cleaning of the studio I got out all that fabric for the curtains I still haven’t made for the room. I ironed it all and cut it to length before I got side-tracked again.  One of  my best friends from college Taro called me and we talked for like an hour and half. See he is in Tokyo so when he calls I can’t help but chat it up, since it’s not often we can. He’s one of Bj’s groomsmen and it was fun talking to him about wedding  plans and what’s going to go down at the end of March, which is like a month away (, must get crafting quick!). Then it was a Smallville marathon so I could catch up with these season while knitting a washcloth. I finished the dishrag before the six episodes were up so I started cutting strips from the lengths of fabric I had prepared before. The whole living room floor is filled up with them now. After realizing Clark and Chloe are probably never going to get together (sigh) I decided to blog about my day since it was about the most interesting one in a week.
p.s. I need a lamp in my studio so I can actually work in here at night. How cool is Heather Bailey’s chandelier?

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