The little cottage that could. Remember when I first got this thing. And then after I hacked away at the front? Well it pretty much stayed in that state for the last couple of months with stumps and weeds doing their things in the front of the house. The lawn was all crazy from where it got ripped up when I had the house waterproofed, and it was growing over all its sides. Bj got a trimmer and went to town last weekend. We had bark delivered and gravel for the side. Oh I feel so much better walking up to the house now when I come home from somewhere. I mean the cuteness on the inside, well you would never even think it existed by looking at the outside, but I think we’re getting there now. We have big plans for the front that will hopefully develop more this summer, including a new porch. Stair pictures coming soon, I promise, have to do a little touch up.
I love your house. It’s too cute!
It looks so much more substantial without all the tired organic material. Before it was meek, now it’s confident (better matching the occupants inside). Koodos to William!
(stairs are awesome like I said before 😉
^^^^^ I think she means “kudos” =)
looks awesome!!
can’t wait to see what you have planned 🙂
You have both worked so hard! Your place looks fabulous!
you & BJs love shack is lookin good!