I love to be a kid (at heart)

So the little ones are now back at home. And I miss them and the cute little things they say. It’s fun to be able to be crazy and dance like a nutter and make a mess and have lots of good old fashioned fun. I love the way kids look at things, how big they see everything, how every little thing is a treasure.

It’s fun to see them explore. I know that I want to always be like that, to look around at the little things and appreciate the little things. I think that’s why I love to thrift so much, to get things that are worn, have a history, and will continue to live on. We used some of those things to make some fun puppets the last night they were here:

It was all good clean fun until Sciarrino and I acted out a scene from Grey’s Anatomy (just finished watching the second season, she finally got me hooked!)

"Meridith, Meridith"
"Leave me alone, just leave me alone"
"I just want to make sure you’re alright!"
"Stop looking at me!"
"I’m not looking at you…"
"I can’t breath with you looking at me like that."
"Do you think I want to look at you?"

LOL. We also found a great kids album via Sciarrino: Colours Are Brighter. It’s an import here and not on iTunes so I was only able to download the one song they had for free (Ninja Dinosaur), and then play the other ones featured on the my space page. The Monkeys are Breaking out the Zoo caused quite a commotion around here.  "Because today the monkeys are breaking out the zoo!!!" I need to feel that joy again. Hopefully we will be around a lot of joy this weekend, Brian and Melissa, the wonderful accompaniment to Ceara at our wedding are getting married themselves Sunday, and Bj is groomsman. I just got back from helping to make the cake topper, it’s very cool.  Which reminds me that I never officially blogged my reception, the thing that took the longest to plan. I just never really got back into talking about it after Bj’s dad died, but I think that I should do it, it’s the last real wedding thing to blog about, and I need to bring the happiness back. What do you think?

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  1. I would love to hear details! Any time I am feeling a bit tired of planning for my wedding I come and look through your wedding section, and it brings me such inspiration and joy! Thank you for sharing and, yes, please share more.

  2. I miss Derek, so now that you have season 3 downloading, I’m just waiting for the invite to come drool with you. 😉

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