I need to catch you up on everything, but first, let’s take a minuet to see what Bj and I saw on our drive up to the Tri-Cities to visit his parent’s. I didn’t get the first shots of it since I had to reach for my camera, but basically it looked like the weird smoke monster from Lost. It was crazy. This sequence is about 20-30 seconds.
a cloud?
it’s birds!!!
um, what?
And it wasn’t even windy. I mean maybe a little up there, but not enough to drive the birds this nuts.
I asked Bj, "What were they doing?"
Bj, "I think they were prepping for nationals."
edited to add: Erin’s dad (a bird lover) says: "The only birds here that flock and swirl in such large numbers are Starlings (with a few Brewers Blackbirds mixed in). Not sure why they swirl in groups, but suspect a social aspect."
How cool is that?
Woa! Crazy, creepy-ass birds!!