So basically what I got was: hopefully she'll grow out of it? 🙂 Good thing I have some friends nearby whose babies are not so anti-car. My crew girl friend Tracy (as opposed to my neighbor friend Tracy) who had the same due date as me brought over her little boy Lachlan (cool name, right?). I've been meaning to take pictures of them together (he was born two days before her):
They are about the same height I think. Those tights from Sarah are still big, but I couldn't wait any longer for her to wear them, they are so cute!
Ah ha ha ha that one totally cracks me up. They don't even acknowledge each other at all!
I'm so glad my mom was there (always helping me out love you mom!) so Tracy and I got one of us with our little ones. Do they look like us? I think they look more like our husbands, but I do see bits of their mamas in there too. Oh man they are just so cute together! I can't wait to look back in a few years, I'm sure we'll have lots of them together over the years.
And hopefully of this little guy as well:
My friend Donna's baby was due the same time as us, but she had him just before Christmas. After this picture was taken he started fussing a little so I said, "no problem I'll pick him up" (she was holding Tuesday). OH. MY. GOD. I hope Tuesday stays small (and light) forever! William weighs almost 15 pounds to Tuesday's 9 pounds 6 ounces. I feel like she is getting so big then we get around these boys! I'm hoping she'll be able to get rough and tumble with them by the time they're crawling around.
Ahhh total cute baby overload. 🙂 And my neighbor across the street is due soon… another boy! But we'll get some girls soon; Carmen with one in May, and Karen with TWO in May.
These two are adorable!! So fun to have friends the same age as you with babies. I think I have about four good friends who are due within two months of me…it’s going to be baby crazy!!
What great pics! the captions are endless. Tuesday has such an expressive little face. that is so great that you have so many around you with babies. What a tribe that will be!
Those are some cute babies!! (You catch Tuesday making the funniest expressions) And you moms are looking quite lovely yourselves!
All that baby cuteness!! Loving the baby overload, you can never have too much of the sweetness!
triple the baby cuteness!!!
loving tuesday in those tights!
i’m glad they’re a little big – she can wear them longer 🙂
o.m.g. All that cuteness in one place! aw.