All the time I am doing dead easy craft projects and I get the, "oh I could never do that." And, "you're so crafty." True I like doing crafty things, but I'd like to point out that I usually stay on the easy side of the street. In my knitting, for example, I've never even done color work or cables. Knit and pearl baby. Anyway I have to say with this completed project I do feel quite awesome. It took way longer than I thought, but I love the results!
I know, I know you're not supposed to have bumpers. But I give you the amazing Tudini:
Those are her legs… in a swaddle me! I did rescue her right after I snapped this picture with my iPhone. She is so clever with her moving around. So I made this really thin, and checked by trying to roll her next to the side. I really do not see how she would suffocate. Anyway she sleeps in a little baby positioner so she can't move side to side, just down.
She really seems to like it. Which is good because it took forever and was way harder than I thought it was going to be.
My favorite block. So first I pieced those blocks. I didn't measure or anything. Just cut strips of fabric and played around with them on my felt board. That was problem one. The blocks didn't line up right so I had to put in extra pieces of fabric (like you see there – the stripe of big dot). I couldn't find a batting that would work either. My mom went to all the trouble of getting me an organic mattress and pad for this thing so I didn't want to have her be surrounded by polyester. Sciarrino solved this problem by getting me some Timtex (the stiff stuff you use in handbags). So next to Tuesday and backing the blocks is cotton batting (thin) and then behind that is the Timtex.
The hard thing was figuring out how to get all the pieces together. I ended up making tubes, and then stuffing one before connecting the next. I added the ribbons as I went around too:
Ribbon is double faced satin from the Ribbon Jar. For the one open corner I did half the ribbon on one side and half on the other. I also used little piping for the top to make it look more finished (also from the Ribbon Jar). I've never used piping before. I might use it on everything now! It's so fun to finish a seam this way. LOVE IT. And since I had the machine out I finally put in the ribbon ties on the inside of that sleeper I made Tuesday when she was in my belly. Since she looked so cute I had Bj take a picture of us:
Ah my little Sparkly Pants how I love thee. Also I like how my hair cowlick looks like a curl! Then we tried to take a family portrait:
Today was great all the way around. Besides that project (which I finished during Tuesday's 3 HOUR NAP), I also go the cutest mail ever!
Nancy sent me these from Canada. OH HOLY CUTENESS BATMAN! I had to put them out so I can look at them all the time. They are so soft and sweet. I had Tuesday feel them and she made her cute "ohhhh" face. Seriously Nancy thank you so much, we love these little Canadian cuties!
Then my mom came to go on a walk while the sun was peaking out (it's raining again now). It was great, we saw a young friend of mine who I used to baby sit when she was a baby and is now in high school. Crazy how time goes. Then this evening our friend's came over (baby William, his parents and his grandma). We just ordered pizza and chatted. Very relaxing and fun. I have nothing planned tomorrow (except some quickbooks stuff, ugh).
Oh and I can't believe I forgot to take pictures yesterday. We spent the day in Portland visiting my grandma, aunt, cousin, and my dear friend Carmen on her layover back home to Alaska. I miss you Carmen! Give your belly a couple pats from me and Tuesday!
You are a super crafty genius!
As a sewer I am loving it! That is really beautiful.
i’ve heard of Timtex, but for some reason I thought it was, like, not available or something, did she have a hard time finding it?
It turned out wonderfully!! I’m sure she just loves looking at it! It’s so visually stimulating…without being “the rainforest”. ๐
That turned out beautifully! And you three are a gorgeous family! ๐
That is seriously cute!
Tuesday sure appreciates the crafting genius side of you! Look at how inquisitive she is.
Great family shot… Love it!
To: Super Crafty Genius ๐
That bumper is just perfect. I first used piping on a baby quilt for my first child. Loved it, too. Makes things look so finished and professional. LOVE THE DOTS!! Oh, and we always used a bumper, til the little one could use it to boost himself right over the railing!! Great job.
i’ve always known you were a super crafty genius…
that bumper is SO colorful and fun. you can tell tuesday loves it!
and…you must try knitting cables. they are FUN! ๐
you are all so cute!!! And I didn’t know you weren’t supposed to have bumpers – so many rules!!!
The bumper turned out great!
And I love the pic of you–motherhood is very becoming….
wow, so cute. what great work!
we always had bumpers!
(and, uh, if they can get TO it… they must be able to get away from it too, right?)
it’s stunning and gorgeous, well done!
oh my!! this is beautiful!! and so are you and your baby!!
It looks great! I love how colorful it is, she will be able to amuse herself with that for a few more months ๐
love the bumpers
oh, yes. I’m dead. the fabric choices on those bumpers are to die for. good work!