Weekend Away

This last weekend we took an extra day and went on a three day adventure to visit Bj's parents. Because they live a bit away this included two 4.5 hours car rides – there and back. Of course we have to stop now to feed her, but we had to stop a couple of other times to change her diaper or just sooth her a bit. She is much better in the car now that she has learned a couple of great tricks: tracking things really well and focusing on books and toys, being able to get to her fist and suck on it, and the newest of new tricks; grabbing toys. It is so beyond cute!

This toy from Sarah continues to be a favorite. Right now we have a balloon tied to it and she is so funny with the thing.

Also loving the links you use to hook toys together. My favorite funny new trick of hers:

Playing with her tongue. She makes clicky sounds with it. I sort of had her dressed like an elf this day:

It was an accident. She got hot (we have had a couple days of insanely nice weather), and she only has a few pairs of shorts that fit. I think the days of head to toe wool might be over (but not head to toe knits!). Ah sweet baby

The reason I haven't blogged by the way? This is the first time I've gotten any real time on the computer in days. She has been keeping me busy (in a good way). Today we walked to the park with grandma and a friend and had a picnic! It was so lovely. She pays more attention to the world now so everyday is more interesting than the last. But I still would like a little time on the computer 🙂

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  1. Yes she is definitely beautiful! Glad you were able to post updated pics… she changes every day!

  2. oh my goodness! she is beautiful…and getting so big!
    i love her little tongue sticking out – what a cutie!
    thanks for the update! i was starting to have withdrawls 😉

  3. I love the new pictures, she’s simply beautiful!
    Wasn’t that nice weather great? I got some spring cleaning done, and we spent lots of time outside.

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