Father's Day! Oh my goodness is that crazy or what? I have to say it was only in my wildest dreams when I first met Bj that I thought we'd be celebrating a wonderful day like today. It's cliche to say, but Bj really is a fabulous father. He is being so great right now while we try to be gentle with Tuesday's sleep. And Tuesday just loves him. Sometimes she cracks up when she catches him out of the corner of her eye – too funny. Bj requested this outfit of Tuesday's, so snappy!
I let Bj sleep in this morning while Tuesday and I got up and got the day started. But I couldn't keep him from working and he cleaned up the yard and later vacuumed. Seriously. And he did it all while extremely sore. He played six softball games for charity yesterday and while he was hanging out with Tuesday today he said that if there was a fire he didn't know if he could get out fast enough. So ya, he was sore. Luckily the evening was much more relaxed as we all went over to my brother's house to celebrate with my dad.
My dad and all his "kids" Emilie (my step sister who is a senior this next year – WHAT?!?!), my brother Brent, and Tuesday and I. I was determined to get pictures with everyone.
I think this was Tuesday's first picture with this set of grandparents. You should have seen what was going on behind here to get her to smile, there was literally puppy dangling, funny stuff.
Brent's girlfriend Kat. Tuesday loved hanging out with her. She also loved a present my dad brought over from family friends for Tuesday. He kept forgetting to give it to me, but it was perfect timing because Tuesday loves it, having only recently discovered spoons:
Mmmm spoons. Bj took the camera at one point and I love the point of views he can get being so tall.
I want to find all my favorite pictures of the expressions people make when holding/playing with/talking to Tuesday. They are awesome.
BABY BJ IS SO ADORABLE!!! Awww. And the socks are just the cutest things ever, I think I want rainbow socks too 🙂
Holy crapy I almost didn’t recognize Emilie!! And I definitely think Miss Tuesday is a hat girl. She looks so cute with it on!
The spoon shot is so cute! your house has the best lighting ever! Maybe it is just that it is so filled with happiness that is makes for great pictures! Your Dad looks so great with Tuesday! As does her Daddy BJ.
Gosh, that Tuesday is gorgeous! Your candids are fabulous!