A quick post to say that the day started out well:
(Silly girl taken with the iPhone)

and got better from there:
(another iPhone pic, that in low light and black and white looks sort of artsy and fun I think).

Tuesday and I got a mega nap in – over two hours, her record I think. And we managed to get it in earlier, so she was up by shred o'clock (5). I sat next to her browsing the web on Bj's laptop (and finding lots of awesome new blogs). Every ten minutes or so she would stir and I just put a little pressure on her with my hand and let her know I was still right there. When she woke up from this nap she was the cutest thing ever! All rested and smiley. If we get another good nights sleep tonight we're going to try and strike out on our own adventure in the morning. I think it's high time for some mother daughter thrifting, don't you?

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  1. Nap pict makes me want to take one. Tuesday, your mama sometimes overlooks thing in her haste. You have to spot everything she misses—tough job, but you can do it!

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