Okay so I got halfway through the month with daily postings, but then two things happened: a holiday (which was awesome) and a @#$@%$# crib bumper (not so awesome).
Independence day was wonderful. We spent it with a big group of friends at my Mom's (thanks Mom and Bill!) while they were at the blues festival in Portland. Hello pool, thank goodness too because it was hot! We lounged, ate, swam, nursed, napped, and ate some more. Tuesday loved the fireworks like so completely, she was in awe. We didn't get around to doing any of the little ones, but sat out on the golf course for their big show and she drooled over them. I can't believe the noise didn't scare her. I can't believe she woke up for them, she was totally off her schedule (and is sleeping now, so she must still be catching up), and we didn't get her to bed until after 11. It's crazy to think that is when she was going to bed every night just a month ago, I guess things have gotten better!
So this bumper thing, okay here's a picture:
Okay so now here's a picture where you can see some of the problems. And I'm saying that like prob-LEMS.
Ugh, the wave. I'm sure it's because my measurements are not exact and also because of the tie placement.
Now I know I got these ties marked in the right spot (Sciarrino helped me do it, back me up Sciarrin), so what is the problem? My sewing machine. I'd like to say right off the bat that my mother got me this awesome gift for my 21st birthday. But that was eight years ago and lots and lots and LOTS of sewing projects ago. It's a Janome My Excel, I can't link to it because it's no longer made. But it's just a really good basic machine. Unfortunately for me really good basic machines do not like being pushed to their limits. I can't even drop the feed dogs on it and as a result have shoved some things under the needle that really should not have gone there. Now it gives me lots of uneven stitches. And it does this thing when I first start sewing that just about gives me fits! It either sucks the thread up (resulting in constant rethreading) or down (resulting in bobbin entanglement) unless you pull HARD on the thread when you are beginning to sew. Well I borrowed my mom's machine for a portion of this, but for the ties I only had mine, and I can't very well pull the thread, wad a big bunch of this under the needle and sew and expect everything to stay in place. So they slipped around a bit. My mom did mention to me today that I could have basted them in place by hand, but by this point I was SO OVER THIS PROJECT PEOPLE. It's my own fault really for calling myself a crafty genius when I did the bumper one. I didn't follow any directions for this (um, obviously) so I've got no one to blame but myself. Ugh the shame!
The thing is:
Tuesday loves it. And I don't want to go buy one because most of them are full of polyester batting, and I purposely made this thin so it would not be a suffocation danger. I think I'm looking at some serious seam ripper action, taking off the wonky ties and repositioning them. You know where I'm going with this right (Bj sure does). I want a new machine!!! Sciarrino and I checked them out Friday and I have my heart set on this little baby. Well actually Babylock, the new Decorator's Choice (apparently there is not that big a difference between the Decorator and Quilter, except price). Does anyone have one of these? Also why the heck are machine prices so secret? I can't for the life of me find them online, and I want to know if I'm being offered a good deal. Do you sign some kind of secrecy thing when you buy a machine from a dealer? You can email me privately if you like. I'd love any Babylock review. This one has automatic cutting, and a presser foot knee lift. I think it's the least expensive machine to have those two features that I really want.
Oh and look what Tuesday can do even with this huge diaper:
Whoa, the arm is still under, wait for it…
Did you just roll over? Did you?
I think you did! Phew that was hard work:
Okay off to update the dailies.
Not to dampen your enthusiasm for a new machine, but you might just need a tune-up and some service. I had a similar problem that went away like magic once I had it serviced.
You know that I’ll support your need for a new machine and even help you come up with reasons to get one though…;)
I have gotten it serviced, though I think another would help it some. Lucky for me the shop where I want to buy my new machine offered to service my old one for me so I can have it as a backup. 🙂 But seriously I do need a new machine, at least one that has droppable feed dogs. The other stuff is a nice bonus!
i love love the bumper!! the colors are so amber and awesome! Tuesday looks gorgeous in her sassy crib, sorry it was such a difficult process to make.
Wavy or not, is absolutely gorgeous. You make me want to learn to sew!!!
And I love the bubble butt…the one downside to the cloth diapers!!!
gah. my bumper had similar issues. thing is … you don’t use it forever anyways. and if you’re like me … you’ll make a new one next time around. i’m currently in the process of reusing my youngest daughters bumper to make her quilt larger … and moving her into a bigger bed so that the new baby can get all new stuff. (new babes are an excuse for new projects). hoping the bumper goes better for me the second time around!
(yours is absolutely GORGEOUS … wave and all.)
So what if it is a little wavy! It is the cutest bumper I have ever seen and Tuesday loves it and that is all that matters. I am not a seamstress so all I can suggest is washing it? Perhaps it will shrink a little?
I love it !
I love the bumper… Tuesday loves the bumper… Don’t worry about the waves! It’s fabulous!
I think the one image says it all. She loves it! It looks so great in the room. Awesome work!
Haha, I know, you have to really watch that when buying clothes!
I keep saying I’ll use the stuff for the next baby, but I think I’ll be like you and just craft more. It’s in my nature.
I think that might actually work. There is some interfacing in the middle of the layers, so I’ll have to look that up, but it would also give it a crinkly look which would be cool. I had a little practice sandwich of materials made, so I’ll dig that out and give it a spin through the wash first.
Thanks babe, now we just need to get a few more things and the nursery will be done-o.
Amber – don’t feel bad about the bumper not fitting exactly right – that is how 2 of the bumpers i purchased for my son are – and one was pottery barn!!! It looks amazing, and no one but you is going to critique it like that. be proud of it!!! (but i know, i critique myself harder than anyone so that is easier said than done)…
Also – at least your machine is only 8 years old. mine is about 25 years old…it is a hand me down from my grandma…i REALLY need a new machine, just hard to fork out the money for something i only use about 10 times a year. Maybe if i had a better one i would use it more…..who knows…
ok – good luck in your search for a new one. let us know what you get!!
I second the PP about the store bought bumpers. Exactly the same with my son’s bumper. Have to say yours is absolutely adorable and so colorful. She’ll never remember that it had a slight wave. Beautiful sewing.
I second Natalie. Even purchased bumpers are kind of wonky. I LOVE the colors on your bumper. One trick we learned with the 2nd bumper (hey we had a girl then 2 boys..the boys couldn’t sleep with pastels- it goes against the whole ‘dude’ thing according to my hubby :P) – line up the bumper so it doesn’t end at a corner. If you start and end the bumper on the side that faces the wall – you can often overlap and tie it so it actually fits and is pretty taught. No pull downs that way until at least 9 months *grin* Then it just gets pulled down and stomped on so they can see over the rail. Oh, and the other trick that worked with one bumper was to ‘weave’ one of the ends – so that one of the slats of the crive was on the inside – that took up enough slack also.
‘Sides I think a toddler quilt out of that amazing bumper would be cool too. Totally unique to Tuesday – and every toddler needs their own blanket and stuffed animal. (Anything to entice them to STAY in their bed for the WHOLE night *lol* So wished that worked around here!) There *grin* you have a free clean slate for the next one ;).
ok i didn’t read through everyone else’s comments so pardon me if this has been said, but first off THAT. BUMPER. IS. GORGEOUS. the colors and the pattern is just amazing. You go girl. Seriously, focus on that for a while. That is a damn beautiful bumper. Second, even my store bought one was all wonky when I tied it on. I think it must just be such a tricky equation to get it all exactly right that it is nearly impossible. Seriously, that is a gorgeous bumper. way to go!
it looks AMAZING! amber, seriously…the wave is not a big deal (i know you’re a perfectionist like me especially with crafting but really it looks so great!) and look at how happy tuesday is with it! she LOVES it! it’s so bright and cheerful! GREAT job my friend!
also, GREAT job miss tuesday! rolling over?! how awesome is that! 🙂
ps: did you flip the crib and changing table?
Nice work! It looks really great! Wow it looks like it was a lot of work! I just love the fabric choices you made! You must have some really awesome fabric stores down there! Every little piece is cool! Love that it is not a cartoony themed bumper. Gosh it is nearly impossible to find anything for a baby that is not “typical baby” themed. You have great taste, and again I wish I lived closer! Tuesday is so cute too! Just can’t wait to see you guys soon!
That is so weird that store bought bumpers are like that too. Bj and I were wondering how the ties could be placed correctly to work on all cribs. Oh man, escaping Tuesday – yikes!
Yes, they are flipped, it worked better with the giant footprint the recliner/glider takes up.
We can’t wait to see you, and we will definitely come baring some scraps to share, so start dreaming up projects to work on! Thanks again for the detailed pictures of the crib dust ruffle, it was easy like you said!
Okay, I totally get wanting the project to be just like you imagined – I really do. But I must say – it is gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous! It is already treasured:)
Nice bumper, cute kid!!
um…it is way cute that you two talk together via the blog… 😉