
Just a quick post to let you know that there are lots of yummy ribbon jars up in my shop! Here is a quick link. I'd like this to be a nice long post with interesting tidbits on brussle sprouts, pumpkins, and cool fall weather. But tutu got sick. We went from trying on clothes:


to trying on more clothes:


to throwing up and complete exhaustion:


She happened to have her 9 month check up today, so we got right into the doctor. It's just a stomach bug, and should mostly be over. I felt sick, but I couldn't tell if it was because I was cleaning up vomit or what. We finally get to try out that stain policy we bought for our very light colored furniture, score! She was seriously cracking me up, because she fussed, threw up, and then was like, "hey let's play!" No worries at all. I hope that no worries attitude continues, because who is fly cross country with me on Thursday? That would be Tutu, and only Tutu…

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  1. Oh no! I hate the stress of illness mixed with travel, it’s the worst. I bet she will be fine by then though. Good luck!

  2. sorry she got sick. that is so rough on both of you! but on the bright side it looks like she took a good nap!

  3. poor tutu! i hope she’s feeling better for your flight tomorrow!
    i’ll be thinking of you two as you venture off to ceara’s!
    (and i look forward to seeing photos of the gorgeous colors fall brings to the east coast!)

  4. That hat she is wearing in the first photo is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I am so sorry she is not feeling well. I hope you don’t get sick. Kisses to Tuesday and I hope you can get some rest!

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