Baby Lee Lee

One of the things I really wanted to get Tuesday for Christmas was a Waldorf style doll to play pretend with. I really love Bamboletta dolls, but since Tuesday chews and tugs on everything I knew that wouldn’t be a good starter doll. I needed to find something a little simpler. I searched Etsy nightly it seemed, but everyone was done taking orders. Luckily a few weeks before Christmas I stumbled upon these cute handmade dolls on another blog.
I decided to order a dark skinned Swaddle Baby since the next baby that is coming is Ceara’s and I figured I could teach Tuesday to “be nice” to the baby. I named it Lee Lee and was excited, but a bit apprehensive to give it to Tuesday Christmas morning. As I suspected she first pulled on the hair and tasted the face. Then I took her hand and helped her pat the baby and hold it close. I kept saying, “ohhh baby, we love the baby, nice to the baby.” I snuggled the baby next to us when we nursed. And now?
AWE!!!! Isn’t that the cutest? As soon as I give her Lee Lee she lays her little head down next to the dolly’s and cuddles it. I’m still afraid to leave Lee Lee in Tuesday’s crib for fear she’ll rip her hair out in the night and choke to death on it (always with the cheerful thoughts…).
(who me mom? I would never do that.)
But it’s been fun playing with it. We pretended to feed it with a spoon the other day and she thought that was positively the funniest thing to do ever. I highly recommend this company. There are lots of choices, besides skin and hair color you can also choose to have smiley or sleepy “eyes” as well as a selections of fabrics for the “blanket” The one here is organic cotton fleece in orchid, and it is oh so soft. Here is a link to her site. I hope for many years of playing pretend, it might be one of my favorite things ever.

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  1. Such a cute baby doll! I always think it’s good for children to have dolls that don’t just look like them. I can’t wait to see Tuesday cuddle up with our little one when he/she comes! 🙂

  2. Oh that is way cute! My mom got Miri a doll for Christmas, it’s cute, but not exactly what I had in mind for her first doll. Hope she doesn’t find and read this! 😉

  3. Awww–love pic #3! My son goes to a Waldorf preschool–we love it! I’ll have to get a doll for my 15 mo old daughter. Thanks for the link.

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