Christmas for the grandparents – take one

I’m awaiting more photos from Tuesday’s party from other guests. It turns out it’s not quite as easy to photograph your own child’s first birthday as it is to be hired to do someone else’s kid’s.
I do want to do more photography though and Bj and I thought giving our parents photoshoots with Tuesday would be a fun gift. We are also going to get them some prints, which I can’t wait to order. Bj’s mom and step-dad were the first ones to take us up on the offer and I shot them the day after Tuesday’s birthday in a nearby park. I’ll let the photos do the talking.

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I was so happy to shoot these I went home and edited them right away. They wanted mostly black and white, which worked out since it was so cold we all had to leave our sweaters and jackets on (and Tuesday’s sweater has a lot going on – shocker). I’m excited to do the other two sets of grandparents soon.

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  1. AMAZING….you should really advertise. I would hire you (of course) but so would all of the other people who want great non-cheezy/non-cookie cutter photos. You are always complianing about all of that free time…..

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