Shorty Style

I love love love short little dresses on girls. I mean super short – Shirley Temple style (I need to get some of those movies on DVD, I don’t think you can have a bad day if you watch a Shirley Temple movie. Also I my wonderful mother curled my stick straight hair like this so many times. Thanks mom love ya!). My grandma stopped by the other day and brought a few darling dresses for Tuesday. They are more summer styles, but of course that didn’t stop me from layering her outfit and sticking it on her anyway.
As long as she keeps growing (albeit slowly) it should fit perfectly come summer.
Dresses were very impractical before Tuesday started walking as they seriously impeded crawling. Now that she is walking most of the time and I have a bunch of new Baby Legs headed my way (and a pile of homemade ones – details coming) it’s time to make this girl some dresses. I have long been preparing for this, as shown by my flickr set entitled: Vintage Patterns (could also be called the I can’t help myself set). I have started cutting out this jacket in – wait for it –
a silky soft red corduroy with white polka dots (Carmen it’s the stuff I got while visiting you!). And if that doesn’t bowl you over with cuteness wait until you see what I have planned for the lining. Of course I have a few irons in the fire right now (Ceara is due at the beginning of April after all), but I’m already setting my sights on a few other patterns. And remember the one I made my god-daughter? I want to try that reversible style. Of course even though I have this nice stash of patterns I saw Butterick 9682 on lottielulu today and I have. to. have. it!
So thanks for walking Tutu, you’ve made dressing you even MORE fun!

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  1. OMG, that dress she has on is sooo cute!!! I, too, can’t wait to see her in more dresses!! This part is fun, where you can put pretty much anything on your kid (like playing dress up) and they can’t complain. Keep it up, mama!

  2. Ok now were all ready to see the other dress gt=randma got her. Love that little movie of her. I think she is going to be a movie stare. Love you, grandma

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