Yesterday Sciarrino and I drove up to the first meeting of the Portland chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild. I didn’t really know what to expect, having never been in a guild of any kind before. I was hoping that I would meet some like minded fabric lovers, and guess what I did!
We did a show and tell, although I didn’t bring anything. This quilt in particular got me thinking. I don’t have any white on white fabric and very few light colored fabrics of any kind (hello Life In Color?). But I really loved this “low volume” idea. And the quilting was so so beautiful:
This picture just does not do it justice. The quilter is Rachel (aka 2ndAveStudio). I hope she brings this back in washed up because it looks like it is going to do some amazing things. If you have a guild in your area I would recommend going. Here is a link to the national blog that has a sidebar list of specific guilds – new ones are being started all the time!
In other sewing joining news I am going to join Sew Take a Hike‘s quilt as you go along (starts tomorrow). It sounds really interesting, and would be a good fit, I think, if you are a beginner or someone who doesn’t normally quilt your own tops because you are only quilting smallish squares at a time. Check it out here.
I’m hoping one of you will want to join in as well. I have tons of awesome (I think) scraps, but practically nothing in the light colored/white background section, which you need for these quilts. If anyone has a lot of that type of scraps and wants to trade for a bag of colorful stuff let me know!
Here is my big bin of scraps to hopefully entice you. And Penny has a few pictures up of what the less bright scraps should look like on her post explaining the quilt along. So, anyone in?
OK, my confession, I love to make quilt tops but I can’t quilt because I’ve never learned how, I don’t even have a walking foot!! I hand tied my son’s quilt because I don’t know what else to do. I’d love to learn, and this sounds like fun, but I don’t have any light colored scraps either (why I love following your blog). I’m not sure I’m brave enough, but I may want to try!!!
thanks for the shout out! I’m so excited to start this quilt along and end up with a huge quilt and help others do the same. Anyone who would trade scraps with you would be a lucky duck, is that a little stitchanddye fabric in there?
I feel like I am such a follower:) Beacuse I gotta check this out – I joined the flickr group and will startscrap sorting – I really needed a new sewing project to excite me, and this could be perfect for my Heather Ross odds and ends. Thanks again for the tip!!
I’m going to look through all my fabric at my moms house and see ifthis is a possibility…I’ll probablymake a smaller size though, maybe a double…
I think it could look cool with all brights too—though I do like the contrast. Quilts that are tied are also so sweet and nice. I believe this quilt along will eventually be tied as well. But get a walking foot, you’ll love it!
Guilty, I got one of her scrap packs and it was awesome!
I can’t wait to see what you do!
Ya, I think I am going to do a twin size myself.
And after reading the link, I think a lap quilt would be fabulous 😉 Since I have all of this free time…oh wait I don’t. But I want to do something crafty every week, and this seems doable.