
Usually I have no excuse for forgetting to blog for a few days, but right now I do. In the Bj-just-can’t-get-a-break category he is away attending a funeral… times two. His maternal grandpa has been fighting throat cancer (note: if you smoke look this up, maybe you will finally quit—it’s terrible!) and lost the battle last week. His poor mother has been there for weeks helping and giving comfort to her family and is so exhausted, I am sure. The day after his grandpa passed away his step-grandpa, with whom he was quite close, as Bj’s mother’s parents have been remarried for many, many years (30+?) died. That one was a bit of a shock, especially so close to the other. He has flown to Florida to be with his family. We had hoped to go but wouldn’t you know it, Girls Gone Wild film there this week, and ticket prices shot up to $1,400. I am happy he got to go, and his grandmas (and one great grandma!) are too.
It is not nearly as sad to me as Grandpa Garrison, since we talked to him daily and were caring for him, but every time there is a death in the family I just want to hold my own so much closer and have been doing that these last few days. Of course my silly little monkey keeps me quite entertained, telling me this and that in a language that is just out of my reach:
Maybe she’ll be a professor? A professor of awesome! Of course my sweet friends and family always come through for me, I just do NOT know how I got so lucky. Last night Sciarrino spent the night, and helped out today even though she spent much of it with a terrible headache (a cold’s fault, not Tuesday’s!).
My mom and step dad took me and Tuesday out to my anniversary dinner (three years, crazy!). And Bj sent me the most wonderful flowers and note. It was so good I had to ask if he found the text off the internet, he swears he came up with it himself, well done darling! I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t squeak in a little bit of crafting to stay calm.
It’s not too late to join Penny’s Quilt-as-you-go Along! These blocks are so fun, and use up lots of fun scraps that you’ve been saving, the green is from high school 12 years ago—do you recognize the shibori Erin? I’ll put more details up on my flickr page. Oh speaking of being all over the web, in case you haven’t noticed in the sidebar, I’m finally putting my two year old twitter account to (good?) use. It’s quite fun actually, now that I have Tweetie. I even started an account for Ribbon Jar!
I don’t know when I’ll have time to blog again, gosh Bj sure does a lot around here! I’ll try to check in, and for my sweetie 2,817 miles away:
We miss you so much we over corrected this photo to show our love!

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  1. So sorry for your losses! It is always so tough losing beloved family members.
    I love your block for the quilt-as-you-go-along. I’m going to do one, too. I just have to work on a couple of other things first, but I’m very excited. The blocks are looking great so far!

  2. So sorry to hear about it all! Poor BJ! Such a sweet photo of you and Tuesday. I have been talking to Jen and Rachel, we must do an MD night of sewing very soon!

  3. I’m sorry your family is going through a difficult time. I hope things start looking up soon. I still have all my old shibori too! I have been wanting to try it again, I haven’t done it since high school. It wasn’t difficult if I remember, wrap it around a dowel or stitch a design in fishing line. We should do this.

  4. We should do that. I can do the sewing and you can do the dying! I’m going to put some more hand dyed stuff from you in here, they are my favorite “solid” pieces, the ones that are not really solid.

  5. I’m sorry for your family loss – it’s so hard, especially when you can be right there. Happy Anniversary also, sounds like BJ did a fine job in spite of it all. Take care!

  6. i’m so sorry to hear of your loss! please give bj my condolences.
    on a happier note. that sweater on tutu is adorable! and i love that last photo of you two!
    happy anniversary! 🙂

  7. I am so sorry to hear about BJ’s grandfathers. Poor BJ, it is amazing how much he has gone thru these past few years. You all have been through a lot. Hang in there! Tuesday looks adorable as ever! I love the first picture, it really does look like you caught her mid-lecture. Professor Tuesday, adorable.

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