Ok so we had one sunny day and I freaked my freak out and didn’t know what to do with myself. Totally neglecting the blog in the process. Don’t be too worried though, it just started raining again. 🙂 That sunny day I had a total burst of energy. Bj and I have been reading this and it really made me want to get organized and purge/rotate some of our things, including Tuesday’s toys. I happened upon an antique mall while trying to get around Portland last weekend and found this little gem:
I’m sure who ever was selling it found it for much less than the $32 I paid for it, but I could not resist. I have been wanting to get something like this for Tuesday, and the book sealed the deal on my thinking that her toys should be out of the big bin and into something a little more organized. The top will hold a little tray for nature bits we find, when we venture out again. This is in our dining room:
That I cleaned up after this picture and managed to squeeze in space for a family art cabinet:
Tuesday was just a bit excited when I showed it to her the next morning (after staying up until 12:45 baking, cleaning, organizing, and doing laundry… I could not help myself!). Knowing she was going to want to explore the cabinet I had to dress her in this shirt made by her Aunt Sciarrino:
I bought her fancy fabric paints for Christmas and I am totally reaping the rewards, yeah!
I love that Tuesday can pull what she wants out of here (the cabinet has a baby lock on it, so it’s only open when she is supervised):
coloring, a favorite:
Mark on one page, then flip to the next! Notice the crayons…
She decided the paper on them was just too annoying. I’m thinking we’re going to have to get a booster soon for one of the seats because having the arms come on to the table is the one draw back of her “high chair” (we got rid of the wooden one after she started trying to climb it).
A good start, but I’ve got lots more ideas for the house…
Hey – I totally have the exact same bookshelf! And is Tuesday getting way tall or is that just me?
Tall and skinny with curly hair… I’m jealous of my own daughter, is that bad? 🙂
First I must mention the bookshelf is so bright and cheery with all her toys on it. Second Auntie Sciarrino I Love the shirt, you are so talented! Last but not least… I am so impressed with all the organization you’ve been doing!
Amber, you are already the most organized person I know—- is it even possible for you to become more organized? Tuesday looks so tall in the picture, dare I say it she looks like a little girl, no longer a baby! But the short hair still falls in the baby category…So freaking cute! Also, I didn’t know crayons are now triangular, no more cylindrical crayons?
Cute shirt from Sciarrino! It looks like she IS becoming quite the artist with those crayons 🙂 Glad you guys finally got some sunshine!
Wow you are an organizing machine! Love it! We keep our “art cart” in the dining room as well. I like having it central, not squireled away in their rooms. I need to do some major purging, but keep putting it off. Not my favorite thing in the world to do…
Also you know how much I like the Montessori ideas. That book looks like it has some great ideas! We still have a drawer for all of the kid stuff in the kitchen, even though the kids can use the stool to reach the top cupboards.
the bookcase looks awesome! what a perfect fit there too!
love the shirt, so cute!
They are these: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000VEBPN6?ie=UTF8&tag=liinco-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B000VEBPN6
although we prefer these:
Because every side will write, and they are delicious smelling!
Thanks, I need to remember to measure for some other spots so I can look for some more when we go thrifting!