Ok, this is my dining room. It’s what you see when you walk in the house. I’m thinking of painting this table black… with chalkboard paint. Thoughts? I already bought the white paint to do high gloss white, but now, I don’t know, I’m not feeling it. I tried to paint one of the chairs an acid/lime green color but it just wasn’t happening. Now I’m just not sure.
It’s looking a little lived in right now 🙂 The rug I like, but I’m not sold on (cheap, from Ikea). I want to get the doors back on the side cabinets (took them off um, five years ago). And Bj might, might be coming around on my french door wish. Here is the only picture I could find of the doors we eventually got rid of, but that were orignal to the house:
Do you see them up there in this old picture of our super tiny garage? They were so awesome. We kept all the hardware and I know I took better pictures for reference. I’m also thinking of those awesome screens that go into the door frame, does anyone know what I’m talking about? They meet in the middle so you can throw your doors open all the way and still have it screened, but then fully disappear when not in use. Ahhh a girl can dream.
Can you clean a table painted with chalkboard paint? I’m thinking not really. I really like the idea of black. Would be a nice contrast in the space.
We have chalkboard paint on the backsplash behind our kitchen sink (in a house we rent). I hate it. I can never fully clean it, no matter how hard I scrub, and there is always soap residue on it, no matter how much I rinse. If we owned this place, that stuff would have been gone ASAP.
I’m with Sciarrino. Black is better. I feel like a black table and chairs would act as a wonderful anchor in your dining room and add a lot of visual drama. I love the idea of high lacquer black. Super easy to clean and the glossiness makes it sexy! Sorry, but I would nix the chalk board paint. All smuginess would obsure and distract from how cool the table is. I also, love your idea for a chartreuse colored chair. A little something unexpected,and a pop of color. Love you!
I agree, I like the idea of a black table. I think it would be a great contrast to the neutral space. What about adding a rug with some color. Maybe a pattern would be nice. What do you think about painting the back walls of the corner cabinets lime green? I think it would add a nice pop of color. And it would make your china and accessories really stand out. I love your photo gallery wall. Looks great! Also, love the artwork aganist the wall. Great colors.
another vote for just black. not chalkboard. i know that the chalkboard tables at block 15 (my fave happy hour spot in town) never really look clean. there is always chalk residue. also, they are peeling and the chalk finish is lessening. i’m guessing it has to do with the bleach-water restaurants usually use on tables, but it’s something to think about.
also, YES. french doors! and my parents have one of those screens on their front door. they’re actually on the second one because someone that came to look at the house broke it. so – a word of caution, be gentle on them. but they are awesome. it’s so nice to be able to slide it away when you don’t need it.
Ohhh, I had not even thought about this aspect. Good call, the not being able to clean it thing would certainly drive me batty! I am liking the idea of the high gloss black. I think I might do high gloss black chairs too…
See, I love the idea of a rug like that (bright colors), but after having this one for a few months, I hate the idea of cleaning it. Seriously and Tuesday is a pretty non messy eater, but dude one drop of milk and it’s all over!
Oh and yes, yes, yes I love the idea of painting the back of the cabinets!!!!
Everyone seems to love the high gloss black. Sounds pretty cool! For you I imagine a funky colored table with mismatched although same colored (maybe high gloss black or white like everything else in your house) chairs. You don’t seem like the all-blck type to me. Of course you could add funky mismatched seat cushions to incorporate that Amber feel too.
I vote for open concept. If you add doors it could make the space look smaller. But on a side note, everything you do to your house makes it look more and more amazing, so you are the expert—definitely not me!!!